Michael J. Wagner
{K:5896} 8/4/2005
Great and talented people!
Den Thompson
{K:30432} 7/29/2005
Now these people are true artists Del not like some of the art we've had in our galleries over the years. Things like a pile of bricks neatly stacked or a tap just wasting cold running water. Just the imagination to construct something like this is to be admired. Well captured. PS I won't mention the sloping horizon.
Margaret Sturgess
{K:49403} 7/29/2005
These are amazing, I don't know how anybody can visualise the end result and know where to start Margaret
Del Metheny
{K:25617} 7/28/2005
Dave, They do these every year and they are always a religious theme. At night often groups of young people come and sing. I do not know who sponsors these but not included in my photos are signs with religious messages posted all around the sculptures. If you stand for long and look you are often approached by some one handing out religious literature. This year there is a band stand sit up behind these with gospel singing at night. While observing this time a new sculpture was in progress. The art is all free hand but as they carve it out they do spray with some sort of binder to help hold it longer. It still suffers damage in rain storms etc and must be repaired several times a year. Thanks for you comment. Del.
Mary Brown
{K:71879} 7/28/2005
This is an amazing sand sculpture. That takes talent. Mary
Gabrielle Willson
{K:7978} 7/28/2005
You were busy Del...
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 7/28/2005
These are the most elaborate sand sculptures I've ever seen, Del! Thanks for bringing them to us! Was it a religious theme this year or just the individual sculptor's choice? Dave.