Gabriela Tanaka
{K:16594} 9/25/2005
Dear Roger, thank you for All the commentaries you made at my photos. I heartily welcome them!One of your British friends suggested I took a look at your portofolio. I like ALL the Japanalia photos because I can easily relate to them. It was amusing to read some of the comments about "pink skies"!!! Please, write to me at: gabrielatanaka2000@yahoo.co.uk , then we can talk longer than in this restricted space. AND I love this photo which is very REALISTIC!!! Best regards from Gabriela
Ron Wilson
{K:18362} 7/28/2005
Great shot, very educational.
Roger Williams
{K:86139} 7/26/2005
Audry, you seem to know Japan... the sky, that bland off-white sky so typical of Tokyo, is the weak point, of course. But I felt I couldn't crop it without getting too close to the power poles and wiring... which I wanted as a contrast with the paddy. Thank you for the comment. The earthquake was not so small, 5+ where I was in central Tokyo, and quite frightening. The trains stopped for hours... The typhoon fortunately blew itself out without causing much damage. But yes, it was an early start to the typhoon season.
Audrey Reid
{K:5872} 7/26/2005
Nice glimpse of Tokyo's 'off the beaten track'. Rice paddy fields(plot, in this case) with their reflections and fresh new greens are always photogenic, aren't they? Looking at this image, I had wondered (& indeed tried) if it might be stronger in B&W....but you are right to keep it in colour :) However, I'm reasonably convinced that a small crop of the sky would help focus the eye more on the pretty reflections - personal preference ofcourse.
I understand you had a small quake followed by a tyhoon...already. So early into the season!
Roger Williams
{K:86139} 7/26/2005
Yes, it seems to have struck a chord with several people who viewed it, Mary. I almost didn't post it because it was too "mundane." I'm probably too close to things here to get a real foreigner's perspective, although SOME things still strike me as odd after nearly 40 years!
Mary Brown
{K:71879} 7/26/2005
This is a great shot, Roger. The reflections of the modern hydro lines in the disappearing rice paddy of a former way of life is symbolic. Mary
Roger Williams
{K:86139} 7/25/2005
Rob, I don't think it's the film that is responsible for this pink tinge--it really is there, I mean visible to the naked eye! I wonder if it's not some pollution effect...
Rob Ernsting
{K:8899} 7/25/2005
Super shot and very different from what you see in a suburb. Lovely reflection. The pink sky must be the Fuji film I suppose.
Len Webster
{K:25714} 7/24/2005
Just to clarify, Roger: I wasn't suggesting that the wires should be got rid of, quite the contrary. It sort of emphasises the contrast with the traditional.
Glad to hear it was only a minor tremor yesterday!
Roger Williams
{K:86139} 7/24/2005
Len, Japanese streets are festooned with overhead wires. Somone once explained to me that it was an anti-earthquake measure... easier to put a fallen pole back upright than re^dig miles of trenches. It makes me laugh when people suggest "cloning out that wire" when I've chosen about the only angle that could reduce the skein of wires to just one! BY the way, we had a good tremor in Tokyo yesterday. All the trains were stopped for an hour or two... no loss of life, though.
Gregory McLemore
{K:35129} 7/24/2005
Interesting narrative, excellent capture, thanks for the experience.
Margaret Sturgess
{K:49403} 7/24/2005
Excellent, and interesting, fine reflections in the rice paddy Margaret
Chris Spracklen
{K:32552} 7/24/2005
A fascinating insight into traditional Japanese agriculture, Roger!! Best regards, Chris
Joe Ciccone
{K:3684} 7/24/2005
terrific view Roger, and yes the first think that hit me before i read your discription was 'how come the sky isn't blue'? ha. very interesting view.
Len Webster
{K:25714} 7/24/2005
Great shot. Love the reflections - but my eye is constantly drawn to the criss-cross of the overhead wires.