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i will wait for you by the window....
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Photographer  JEONG CHUN P {Karma:39}
Project #50 Alternate Perspective Camera Model Canon A-1
Categories Abstracts
Alternative Process
Film Format
Lens Canon  20-35 mm L
Uploaded 7/16/2005 Film / Memory Type Kodak  Advantix
    ISO / Film Speed 100
Views 465 Shutter 1/125
Favorites Aperture f/5.6
Critiques 18 Rating
/ 2 Ratings
Location City - 
State - 
Country - Singapore   Singapore
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There are 18 Comments in 1 Pages
Rima Dario   {K:4427} 9/8/2005
Caolori hauuu.
Ciao Dario


Sam Kh Sam Kh   {K:19017} 8/21/2005
fantastic title and shot is wonderful with the best composition and color


JEONG CHUN P   {K:39} 7/24/2005
thnaks banna,

maybe she look and say she wants to marry me and no one else :-+


Mohamed Banna Mohamed Banna   {K:34237} 7/24/2005
she will look one day :O)


JEONG CHUN P   {K:39} 7/24/2005
hi md banna,


every time i look at this window,
i thought of th ewoman who would be looking down at me from the cornerof that window....


Mohamed Banna Mohamed Banna   {K:34237} 7/23/2005
nice strong abstract,, great strong colors,, well done 7 sure my dear friend Jeong


JEONG CHUN P   {K:39} 7/19/2005
thanks david s.,

to some extent i do agree with you.

but as a traditionist,

i just take the shot and present it the 'way it is'.

if there is any deletion or addition,
that would be mentioned.

but again as a traditionist, i present th e photos th e way it is in its original form.

thanks alot.


David Stokely   {K:1010} 7/19/2005
Hi Jeong,

For me this is all about your philosophy about photos, but It is a very easy thing to remove the shadow with post processing software. I have been of both minds. When I first started taking pictures, I felt that any tampering with the shot other than maybe tweaking the exposure was like cheating, but as I have come to view what I do more as art than a strict representation of reality, I have felt greater freedom to remove distracting elements of the shot with software, etc.. Two of my photos are examples. My photo 'windmill weather' I combined two photos together and I think that is drastic enough of a change so that I have an obligation to the viewer to let them know what I have done. My shot 'tranquility' is of the same windmill as the other. In that case, I removed an electrical pole and wires from the scene and a cable running under the bridge and some dead weeds in front of the water. To me those were minor enough changes, that I didn't feel that I was being dishonest about it to the viewer and therefore I didn't mention it in the description of the shot.

I guess everyone has to arrive at their own comfort level. I ended up deciding that if I wasn't going to put shots up just as they came from the camera, then I was on a slippery slope. Where did I draw the line? If it was OK to adjust the exposure in software, was it OK to boost the color? And if the exposure and color were OK, how about sharpening the shot with software? The position I have taken now, is as I said before, if I am adding things not there I tell the viewer about it. If I am just cleaning up and adjusting the shot I do not.

I am very new here. I enjoyed your photo. These are just some thoughts of mine.



JEONG CHUN P   {K:39} 7/19/2005






David Stokely   {K:1010} 7/19/2005
Lots to look at here. Wonderful colors and shading, shadows and light, textures and shapes. A suggestion, remove the diagonal shadow in the upper left. To me it distracts from the rest of the shot. Very nice.



JEONG CHUN P   {K:39} 7/17/2005
hamdy, thanks,


Hamdy Reda Hamdy Reda   {K:874} 7/17/2005
wonderful shadow and perspective.


JEONG CHUN P   {K:39} 7/16/2005
Amer Kapetanovic


i passed by this block on weekdays and had to wait for th eright time to shoot it....


a a a a   {K:853} 7/16/2005
wow, splendid photograph Jeong
very very good


Jeongphu PHU   {K:-102} 7/16/2005
Mohamed Banna


i had to wait for some time fo r that shadow to get into the picture....


Jeongphu PHU   {K:-102} 7/16/2005
Branimir Fagarazzi


think the pink tone and single window composition makes it a great picture!


Mohamed Banna Mohamed Banna   {K:34237} 7/16/2005
great perfect color in a very strong composition

nice abstract 7/7


Branimir Fagarazzi Branimir Fagarazzi   {K:38367} 7/16/2005
Simple motive with nice colours and shadows.




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