Vasile Florin
{K:3003} 7/5/2005
Indeed, it is a very interesting insect. This was the first and the last time for me when I saw this butterfly. I was lucky to have my camera with me.
John Azzopardi
{K:1833} 7/4/2005
Very sharp and well lit shot.Very interesting insect, it does not exist in my country. Well done.
Cristina D
{K:8080} 5/26/2005
Multumesc la fel Florin! :)
Vasile Florin
{K:3003} 5/26/2005
Imi place A95 pt ca are timp de expunere 15s si se poate seta si manual; al meu are max 4s si e automat. Am luat Pentax pt ca am avut ocazia sa mi-l ia cineva din afara cu reducere 50%. Aici am folosit blitz pt ca era pe inserat si nu prea era lumina. PS:sa folosesti A95 cu placere si fara probleme!
Cristina D
{K:8080} 5/26/2005
Iti place si tie canon A95?by the way Pentaxul e al tau?Frumoase culori, lumina placuta dar se pare ca ai folosit blitzul sau ma insel?
Vasile Florin
{K:3003} 5/15/2005
Thank you for wonderful comments. I didn't know the name of the butterfly, but i found out now..
Peter Houtmeyers
{K:3519} 5/14/2005
Very well captured scorpion fly Vasile ! Enormous depht of field ! Well done
James Bambery
{K:13421} 5/14/2005
Beautiful macro Vasile, the colors and detail are outstanding and your subject really stands out well. EXCELLENT work.
JIm Bambery
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 5/14/2005
amazing beauty.
Marco Donatiello
{K:12147} 5/14/2005
Una bellissima macro! Molto nitida...praticamente perfetta!