Christopher Gooding
{K:2278} 5/10/2005
Roger, Thanks for your explanation. Your image was strong enough to me to want to ask for more information...I think that's cool... I appreciate your patience in sharing more about your perceptions from behind the lens.... very interesting....
I was anxious for more info because when I saw your post, read your title, then read the added comment; it threw me into a very uncomfortable place (that's the only way I can describe it, anyway). I think the neat thing about this exchange is that everyone brings their own experience and "baggage" to the table and this all has an impact in how we view art. Having heard your side, I can better appreciate what you saw. Regards, Christopher
greg goodwin
{K:7089} 5/10/2005
honestly Rog this for me slots straight into your site series.. eerie pic.. i see death of some variety in this.. fantastic atmosphere to it.. Greg
Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 5/10/2005
Its something of a long bow I guess (like Jeff Coombes injecting spirituality into a sculpture of a kitten in a sock by giving it more Bambi like eyes) but the McDonalds litter to me resembled the somewhat distorted form of the Crucifix. The shot was taken at night under Sodium Vapour Light in a car park ..right next to the catholic church in town not that that has any bearing on things at all other than the fact that I was there I dunno.. The world is to me not always a pretty place and I don?t think photographers should be constantly filtering out art after all reflects life. This is a sad but sharp reflection. I guess people like Eggleton (US) and Lobb and Mudford (Aus) have alerted to me to a wide canvas of image possibility.. I think it was Warhol who said ?can you see beauty in ugliness? n e way.. Nice portfolio of yours too btw will drop some comments esp the time x?s of lights
Christopher Gooding
{K:2278} 5/9/2005
I know art/beauty is in the eye of the beholder but, and I hate to admit this, I need this one explained...
What do you see? No offense, but I'm having difficulty getting past an oil spot in a littered parking space. Clue me in. CG
{K:20268} 5/9/2005
i think i know what this one means..... kel
Dorothy Di Liddo
{K:13787} 5/9/2005
My imagination is running wild.... won't tell you what I see in this pic. Rorshac would have a field day... a field day! :)