Luis Diogo
{K:6019} 5/2/2005
Fantastic shot!!! The contrast is superb!!! Well done!
{K:30945} 4/19/2005
It is a very nice B&W. good contrast. and I like also your expression, but I would it crop it differently, cause you already cropped the head, so now you have to much of body in it. Here is my suggestion for a crop! THank you, Biliana

Tiffany Hix
{K:5012} 4/9/2005
Thank you CC that is quite a compliment coming from you, you work is amazing!
Tiffany Hix
{K:5012} 4/9/2005
Thanks Jan, I'm glad you like this. I was back and forth on the top of the head thing but went with it anyways.
Tiffany Hix
{K:5012} 4/9/2005
Thanks Andrea!
Tiffany Hix
{K:5012} 4/9/2005
Thanks Jon, I appreciate your suggestion. I tried another shot in the series in sepia but have yet to upload it. Thanks again!
{K:8499} 4/8/2005
Lovely self portrait. Perhaps tone down the whites just a *little* bit but otherwise perfect.
Andrea Harris
{K:2496} 4/8/2005
Tiffany - this is a very good portrait - it's so hard to do self-portraits for many reasons (I just did some last night and was about to delete them all, but finally posted one). We're just so critical on ourselves. I think you've gotten some great advice, just wanted to tell you how beautiful you are and have such a sweet, glow!
Jon O'Brien
{K:11321} 4/7/2005
I like both shots in this sequence. I agree with the fellow who said the framing needed something to separate it from the image itself. My own feeling is that if you were mounting this you'd use a white matt with maybe a grey bevel, and a black frame around that. But I digress.
The lighting is really nice and the catchlights in your eyes suggest the scene out of a window. I think both of these shots might really look good in sepia.
Alex Pieroni
{K:15506} 4/7/2005
Great and tender. A great portait, with lovely tones. I like it. Well done. Alex
Jan .
{K:8693} 4/7/2005
WOW Tiff!!! This is fantastic! I'll definately put a little more thought into it IF I ever try the self portrait again (not sure hell's gonna be freezing over anytime soon, tho!)
I love your lighting AND the crop. Not sure I would change anything...great shot!
{K:2031} 4/7/2005
für ein mode photo .....für mich zu langweilig... schon oft gesehen......ptk
{K:-210} 4/7/2005
Wow....you'r beautiful Tiffany......beautiful portrait.....
c c
{K:13449} 4/7/2005
I love this!!!! You did such an amazing job!
Tiffany Hix
{K:5012} 4/7/2005
Thanks Rob, glad you like it :)
Tiffany Hix
{K:5012} 4/7/2005
Thank you again Paul :)
Tiffany Hix
{K:5012} 4/7/2005
Thanks Randy, I do like what you did with the photo. I was going for a brighter tone overall to give the sense that I was really lost in my thoughts, kind of like a dream world. Thanks again!
Tiffany Hix
{K:5012} 4/7/2005
Thank you Manu! Now for the technical parts, lol I didn't mean to cut off my head but one of the downsides of self portraits is you don't get to preview before the shot, so my head was cut off but I still liked the feel of the rest of the photo. I aprreciate your comments!
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 4/7/2005
splendid exposure and use of soft light. Pretty!
Hanggan Situmorang
{K:37833} 4/7/2005
Superb capture, Tiffany. Dramatic eyes and smile. Excellent, congrats!
{K:13082} 4/7/2005
Right...lets get the first bit out of the way...yes, you certainly are gifted in the photogenic front..gorgeous. That's that done!
The overall image is nice and sharp and I like the choice of shirt pattern and background. The shot to me seems a little too blown on the face area. The right eye looks a bit too sharp and why did you cut off the top of the head.It looks like all it needs is re-cropping as I would guess that there is more top and bottom to the original.
I hope this sounds like constructive criticism as I think you have a wonderful portfolio and this shot in particular, tells a lot about you.
Good luck
Randy Lorance
{K:24769} 4/7/2005
Great self portrait. I like how it's composed and an expression that gets the viewer wondering what thoughts are going on. It seems to me that lighting is a little harsh or some edges a little oversharp. Hope you don't mind but I played around with it in PSPro a bit and also warmed up with a little shift to red. I also thought that without a thin lighter highlight on inside of frame that the black frame at top seems to cut into top of your head. I'm sorry if it seems I'm being too picky because it's a good shot as it is.

Ehdae (Abullha AL Hazza)
{K:4725} 4/7/2005
really beautiful
Rob Graziano
{K:6678} 4/7/2005
Tiff...there are so many reason to love this picture of you! One of my favorite parts is the reflection you can see in your eyes! You are so very photogenic...I just have to say it! :) Absolutely wonderful! rob :)