Claudio Fett
{K:1737} 2/10/2005
Execelente detalhes dentro do brinquedo. Claudio
Tara Gullett
{K:1678} 2/9/2005
What a great find. My son would love this tunnel. : ) Love those all wood play structures. Tara
Neal Nye
{K:15827} 2/9/2005
It must have been a weekday and all the children were in school because this looks like it would be just as much fun in the winter as in the summer.
James Bambery
{K:13421} 2/8/2005
LOL, sounds like a great ad Alison. Well done.
Alison DuFlon
{K:36566} 2/8/2005
Gracias Armando, no creo que los vecino me van a apreciar si salgo como tu dices a la nieve. haha, primero tendria que ir por meses a la gimnacia. Hoy en la manana regrese a la finca a tomar unas fotos de los animales, voy a poner algo mas tarde. Alison
Rebecca Raybon
{K:26654} 2/8/2005
Very nice perspective, Alison. I'm sort of claustrophobic, but I guess I could stand this one, since you can see the other side so soon!
{K:42404} 2/8/2005
felicitaciones Carlota, esta foto es bellisima, y tu exolicación tambien, ?en serio se puede hacer todo eso allí??? Como vas a decir que te estas aburriendo de tus fotos, eso es lo que nos saca de la deprecion querida hermanita, busca nuevos lugares haz cosas locas juega con el PS, tienes todo un mundo a tu alcance para compartirlo con nosotros, hazme caso o me corto las venas, hahhaa!!! en serio prueba cosas nuevas como salir desnuda en la nieve con tu cámara o cosas así, hahahaha!!!! Ya ves?? yo hasta terminé volando y eso que se supone que los chanchos no vuelan, haHAHAHA!!!
Laura Spell
{K:24080} 2/8/2005
Very creative angle on this shot. Colors, light and details are very good. Makes me feel like a child again.
Dirck DuFlon
{K:35779} 2/8/2005
That's a pretty neat looking playground! I'm glad that the reflection off the snow cast some light into the tunnel, bringing out some of the great detail in there! Obviously built by someone with an artistic sense...
Khaled Mursi Hammoud
{K:54005} 2/8/2005
Nice angle Alison, I feel myself as if I'm a mouse :) Clear details and excellent lighting. Bravo, Khaled.
Alison DuFlon
{K:36566} 2/8/2005
here is part of the play area.