Tugce Gül Baran
{K:5115} 3/18/2005
Yes i hear.. Thanks. But uninterested this photograph... :-)
Tugce Gül Baran
{K:5115} 3/18/2005
Yes i hear.. Thanks. But not interested this photograph... :-)
{K:12969} 3/7/2005
Strong portrait. Unusual and powerful. I wonder if you had Ian McEwan?s amazing ?The child in time? when you considered the title ;-) Regards C
{K:2507} 2/24/2005
I like it. Real!
Zeev Scharf
{K:25603} 2/4/2005
Excelent portrait Tugce,very nice grainy effect, lovely expression Many thanks for commenting "Waiting for the spring " My best regards
Murat Harmanlikli
{K:7846} 2/3/2005
cok hos...
{K:8878} 2/2/2005
cok hos bir mimik yakalamissin gozlerdeki siyah beyaz kontrastligi bir harika.
Tugce Gül Baran
{K:5115} 2/2/2005
thanks to sensitive message Onur...:-)
Onur Özbakan
{K:16763} 2/2/2005
boy himself comments on the photograph, i do not need to..
Orcun Kozluca
{K:3487} 2/2/2005
Bakislar harika. Tek soylenecek sey muhtesem bir portre. Tebrikler. +++7
ahmet özkan
{K:7216} 2/2/2005
merhaba.cocugun yuzundeki ifade ile oldukca guzel bir calisma. tebrikler.
{K:2431} 2/2/2005
Bu fotograf icin tek bir sey söyleyebilirim, insani tutsak aliyor! Eline saglik
Tugce Gül Baran
{K:5115} 2/2/2005
Fotograf gözün gördügüdür ve bu senin gözün ve anlamlandiran sensin buna itirazim yok tesekkürler...
mahmut akay
{K:274} 2/2/2005
hadi bak bakayim bana dogru..tamam! iste oyle dur ..diye caba gosterilmeden yakalanan.ve kareye hapsolan, buyuk anlam dolu bakis ve kendinde cebren hapsolus..ben bunlari anladim eger dogruysa ..tebrikler tugce gul
deniz senyesil
{K:4052} 2/2/2005
Manali bir bakis Tebrikler. Deniz.
Saeed Al Shamsi
{K:47735} 2/2/2005
I like the high shot and the fill-frame portrait, the grainy texture add an artistic style,superb.Saeed
Jeanette Hägglund
{K:59855} 2/2/2005
Such a serious gaze the little boy have. Interesting portrait and character.
Peride Celal
{K:176} 2/2/2005
Cok güzel gözler ve iyi bir bakisi yakalamissin.
Marian Man
{K:80636} 2/2/2005
great portrait dear Tugce!!!!!! such a serious look at the boy's eyes..... excellent work!!!!! congratulations .... best regards and thanks :) Marian