Tabitha Woods
{K:8650} 12/4/2005
Nice winter landscape scene, well done Thankyou for your comment also Regards :O)
Marco Grandi
{K:16680} 3/5/2005
Beautiful winter scene! Great perspective! Congrats!! Marco.
Carsten Ranke
{K:14476} 1/25/2005
Very beautiful winter landscape, perfect natural lighting. Nice leading lines composition. Perhaps an interaction between the two trees` branches overlapping on the right side, a minor issue
Gorilla K
{K:17526} 1/25/2005
Beautiful perspective,composition and colors. Nice landscape!
Best regards, Winfried
Marcus Armani
{K:36599} 1/24/2005
wonderful shot, I love the colors and nice long DOF, very well done.....
Roberto Bertone
{K:13239} 1/24/2005
Ottima immagine e composizione!!!
Un saluto.
Riccardo Corsini
{K:17796} 1/24/2005
Una bella foto, fatta in un posto non estremamente bello, e per questo prende pił forza l'immagine, sei riuscito a fare un buon paesaggio, dove non c'era, bravo! Ric.