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My Kids Christmas Picture
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Image Title:  My Kids Christmas Picture
Favorites: 0 
 By: Eric Simpson  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer  Eric Simpson {Karma:2348}
Project N/A Camera Model Canon Eos 1d Mark II
Categories Portrait
Film Format
Portfolio Family Portraits
Lens Canon  24-70 mm f/2.8L USM
Uploaded 12/19/2004 Film / Memory Type Lexar  1GB
    ISO / Film Speed 16
Views 390 Shutter 1/125
Favorites Aperture f/8.0
Critiques 8 Rating
/ 2 Ratings
Location City - 
State - 
Country - United States   United States
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There are 8 Comments in 1 Pages
Eric Simpson   {K:2348} 1/2/2005
I do like the fact that these turned out better than the studio chain... I've been to Olan Mills many times, both as a child and as an adult and as chains go, they're better than most. The Picture People is a pure volume play -- the more people the fly through there the better. We take advantage of them all the time because there's always a "Free sitting + 1 free 8x10" and we don't buy anything -- we just take the free picture. :)

I used to run another company a while back doing car electronics type stuff -- cell phones, alarms, stereos, etc. There's a market for both -- volume and high-end and I'd like to do this more professionally and charge more for it, but do far fewer shoots. I'm much more interested in the *quality* of the pictures than the revenue.

Of the shoot I did last night, I printed up probably 20 sheets on 8.5x11 for her -- lots of 8x10s, 5x7s and such. She was thrilled. I didn't charge her anything because she's a good friend of ours, but as it turns out she offered to pay (via my wife) and my wife turned her down. I was just telling her, I don't mind doing this for free, but it'd be nice for her to kick in some money for ink, paper, etc. Ah well.


mandy welsh mandy welsh   {K:3146} 1/2/2005
Well from having worked in the so called "professional" chain I understand this featr well. You guys did an excellant job, and always have faith in yourself, you know your kids better than those rushed staff who are just in it to make a buck and move on. You are making memories. Excellant job with your own "professional" portraits!


Eric Simpson   {K:2348} 1/2/2005
There's kind of a story behind this shot. This is the first year I thought I was 'good enough' to do our Christmas picture that we sent out to family/friends, etc. We decided to play to play it safe, though, and we also had a studio portrait done (The Picture People or some such chain).

My wife and I worked on this one together... She stood behind me to try to keep their attention in the direction of the camera, and my kids get a kick out of me acting kinda weird -- making strange noises, funny faces, etc. Not the easiest thing in the world, but it turned out as good, if not better than the "professional" portrait we had done. In that, none of the pictures had all 4 of them smiling. I was quite pleased I was able to get that done! :)


mandy welsh mandy welsh   {K:3146} 1/2/2005
Oh wow look at those beautiful smiles!!!! How on earth did you get all 4 perfect smiles?? I have a hard enough time with 3! What joke did you tell? Whats your secret??? Please tell. If I was still at olan mills the only thing they'd say is dont cut off the feet and your "stair stepping" is perfect!


Margaret Sturgess   {K:49403} 12/22/2004
Great composition, lovely children and a great christmas touch Merry CHristmas to you too


Petros Stamatakos   {K:12101} 12/19/2004
I like this a lot Eric. Nicely lit!


Brian Rueger Brian Rueger   {K:7341} 12/19/2004
Beautiful. Very sharp.


No ONE   {K:1171} 12/19/2004
Very good family shot.
IMHO, I feel the lad on the left could have fitted in better if he was facing more to the front and closed in a little tighter; As it is he looks to be somewhat dissassociated from the rest of the group.




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