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{K:6282} 3/28/2005
Of course she does. Strikes me that the upper human hand almost assumes the guise of a paw which is quite moving. /H
Fadel J
{K:13974} 2/16/2005
Amazing portrait and work Luis!
Carla Sie
{K:2057} 1/21/2005
olá, Luis! Apesar do meu sobrenome, sou brasileira, moro no Brasil, e postei algumas fotos que fiz nos EUA ( no último mes de Novembro), mas a maioria de minhas fotos são mesmo feitas aqui no Brasil! Vou continuar visitando seu portfolio, que achei sensacional! ( a propósito, vc é de Portugal?) Um abraço, Carla
luis pereira
{K:26013} 1/21/2005
Obrigado pelo comentario Carla. Desculpa a minha curiosidade, escreves o portugues fluente mas tens um nome nordico e tens fotografias do rato. De qualquer das maneiras, muito prazer em conhecer-te.
Carla Sie
{K:2057} 1/20/2005
Wonderful shot! Thanx for your visit and comment! I don't know if thats new... i think it isn't too recent, because I remeber that i saw that five years ago... All your portfolio is so interesting, and love it all. Regards, Carla
Jeff Cartwright
{K:52046} 1/3/2005
Hi!...Luis!... A Picture is a picture!!! Photograph!...of a Memory for the Future....I had My Siamese...For 22 Years and Still Love to Look at Her Pictures...with Tear's! Regards: Jeff. Best wishes for New Year 2005! I will answer you with an Email...Luis! jcar@ca.inter.net Jeff.
Paulo Feitais
{K:347} 12/16/2004
Estou maravilhado com as tuas fotos, então os P&B estão soberbos...
zosia zija
{K:11106} 11/26/2004
very nice work
{K:3054} 11/22/2004
nice work!I like the cute kitty!
{K:3826} 11/21/2004
Luis, Don't say you are sorry about your cat. She is beautiful. Every animal, two legs and four legs, deserve 15 minutes of fame.
Thank you for your nice comment about my photo
Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 11/16/2004
ehehehe...absolutly great work!!!
Kevin Collier
{K:19076} 11/14/2004
sweet tina - i forgive your kitty pic - i have a couple in my portfolio too. my two, phil and lil, really bring me happiness .. i like the composition here and the gritty look. K
{K:3153} 11/14/2004
impressive great capture
Bea Friedli
{K:10189} 11/14/2004
and well deserved too...she's sweet