I captured the Andromeda galaxy with my new Orion 80 ED 600mm f/7 telescope, it was piggyback on my NexStar11. I manually guided with my off-axis guider for 30 minutes using Kodak Elite Chrome 200. I was rather happy with the result because there were HEAVY dew that night. The Andromeda galaxy lies in the constellation of Andromeda and it is about 2.5 million light years away and it contains around 250 billions stars, you can also see a satellite galaxy named M101 to the left. Thanks for looking! /P-M Hedén
Wow - fantastic image P-M. We should be able to see this galaxy with the naked eye using averted vision but not from London, I wish we could see some stars!?
WOW... thank you for sharing that... You should be proud of yourself! I love to watch the galaxies on the night sky, though until now I do it only with the naked eye... So I am happy others are capturing what I can only imagine to be..