Matt Pals
{K:1722} 10/18/2004
thank you maria :)i appreciate all your comments
Maria José Barres
{K:11276} 10/18/2004
very nice blue color and very sad atmospher! greetings.
Matt Pals
{K:1722} 10/17/2004
thanks for the insight geoff, it would have been great if i could have made it a little sharper.
Geoff Simmons
{K:264} 10/17/2004
This picture is absolutely beautiful
The mood and lighting and color and exposure are all great
The one suggestion I would make, would be to move the F-stop down a bit to get the shutter speed up a bit...
There is a little bit of blurryness from the 1/15 shutter speed... and having an aperture of f/16 isn't going to serve you much purpose considering the lack of detail of the image.
Kudos :)
Mark Susa
{K:2301} 10/17/2004
Nice composition and beautiful mood. Great job. Mark
Alison DuFlon
{K:36566} 10/17/2004
A beautiful, calm feeling to the photo, I love the blue hue and the beautiful silhouetted trees. Very nice. Alison