{K:4764} 8/11/2004
Tesekkur ederim Safak kardesim. Sevgı ve saygılar.
safak tortu
{K:2724} 8/11/2004
I am feeling tempo of the dance and the sound of music ...Congrats..
Gabriella Carta
{K:22879} 8/10/2004
ehehehheh thanks so many. I am happy if theirs use my photos for a good thing, if you want you you can tell him them. Since I cannot translate in Turkish and my translations in English are terrible I have not written to them. Tell him that they can use all of my photos provided that they is correct. I would not like my photos to be used in sites porno or ugly things. That's all. Thanks endless for the interest, you have been really very kind. Thanks
ps: you go to the site http://www.usefilm.com/image/513815.html#2621111 there is a dedication for you
Gabriella Carta
{K:22879} 8/10/2004
ehehehheh grazie così molti. Io sono felice se il loro l'uso le mie fotografie per una buona cosa, se Lei La vuole Lei può dirglieli. Siccome io non posso tradurre in turco e le mie traduzioni in inglesi è terribile io non ho scritto a loro. Gli dice che loro possono usare tutte le mie fotografie provvide che loro hanno ragione. Non mi piacerebbero le mie fotografie essere usate in luoghi cose porne o brutte. Quello è tutto. Grazie senza fine per l'interesse, Lei realmente è stato, molto il genere. Grazie
ps: you go to the site http://www.usefilm.com/image/513815.html#2621111 there is a dedication for you
{K:4764} 8/10/2004
Dear Gabry, I saw your beautiful picture in this site.The topic next to your picture is about the spring time.This site is like a city guide.I think there is no problem,they look like amateur. They mentioned your name under the topic,but they didn't ask any permission.I sent a message to the administrator of this site that they had to ask permission to all photographers.
Gabriella Carta
{K:22879} 8/9/2004
wonderful moment, good
I would like to ask you a favor. On this site http://www.websehir.com/veri.asp?LS=1 has used one photo of mine taken by Usefilm without permission. I believe that is a Turkish site, but I don't have the certainty of it. I would ask you if it's in your foreign language and what kind of site it is becasue I don't want a picture of mine be used for disgusting or for economical purposes. I thank you!
{K:4764} 8/5/2004
Önce bende oyle düşündüm ama seyircilerin net olmasının fotografı zenginlestirecegi kanaatine vardım. sevgi ve saygılar kardesim.
ersin kisacik
{K:18} 8/5/2004
eline saglik serdar...arka plan biraz fluya gitsemiydi acaba? karadenizli oldugum icin soyluyorum...daha iyi gozukmesini isterim de...