City - West Chester State - PENNSYLVANIA Country - United States
Just before moving to San Diego I lived in an old railway station just outside Philadelphia, PA. A short walk around the corner was an old stone farm house. One sunny Sunday morning I decided to pay it a visit.
The outside was so over grown that as I approach I bumped into an old Volvo that was totally obscured and overgrown by bushes and grass. So overrun was the rusting vehicle that all that was visible was a fender and headlight. As I entered the building I half expected the interior to be as run down as the outside. To my surprise it was in excellent condition. I spent the next 4 hours exploring and photographing its 3 floors. With every footstep I could feel the sense of history and abandonment. There was almost a Haunted feeling to the whole building, "If these walls could talk what a story they might tell".
I recently entered one of the photograph from the days shoot into the Del Mar Photo Contest and won first place in my category. Motivated by this I decided to go through all the photographs I took that day to see if there was enough for a photo-essay.