Peter Godden
{K:745} 10/21/2004
Terrific shot....I'm sure Specialised would love it for a promotional shot! Great foreground and sky Peter
Evan Agnew
{K:1292} 7/21/2004
I agree with David that a border is a personal thing and the border adds a lot for me by giving it a clean finished look. The The example without the border is good as well. A plain black border might have been better.
Stefan Rohner
{K:4200} 7/18/2004
I like the picture, but I don?t like this "analog" pretending frame...
best regards Stefan
Tobiah Deutsch
{K:2432} 7/7/2004
unfortunately it is not. Its merely a digital manipulation. I've been in the habit of putting some borders of my B+W prints and wondered how well it would go over on some color stuff.
Now that you mention something I have to admit that it was not shot as a square image either, so I'm guilty on all parts. I guess I'm just looking for some technical advice... Does the border work? I think that the concensus is that it does not.
Thanks for looking Cheers Toby
Stefan Rohner
{K:4200} 7/7/2004
is that a print?
David McClenaghan
{K:9481} 7/6/2004
Its a personal thing Tobiah D. I believe the photo should aways stand alone. A plain white or black border is usually okay if you need seperation from the page. Fancy borders are merely a distraction. This is a great environmental portrait with a very interesting composition and viewpoint. I love it. (but not the fancy border :)
Peter De Rycke
{K:41212} 7/6/2004
Nice portrait, worked out to perfection ! The border is not my taste, as it is too oldfashioned compared with the high-tech tri(?)-athlete .. i'm using something less busy .. example here .. regards, Peter

Tobiah Deutsch
{K:2432} 7/6/2004
The lighting I use are from compact portable strobes. Specifically the Sunpak 555's. They've done a marvalous job for me and can be easily set up and broken down in mere seconds. They're also quite easy to use with a very stright forward system of gages on the back. In this photo as well as many others of mine, they have been used in conjunction with Pocketwizard slaves also.
Mikael Leijon
{K:2224} 7/6/2004
Great prof image! I like the composition and the lightning. What kind of lightning have you used? I think it looks just fine without the border.