Stace Walker
{K:4175} 9/16/2004
beautiful shot!
thank you for your recent visit/comments to my portfolio
=)Stace [p.s. it's all in the bra ;)]
Kshitiz Anand
{K:4848} 7/14/2004
Hi... Even the original looks awesome..!! recently i also took a similar picture f a rainbow.. but i had not taken the road in my frame.. and i took it underexposed.. so the colors of the rainbow have come out very clearly... against the dark sky.! I'll upload it in a few days... in th meantime u can comment on my other photographs. Incidentally I use a lot of photoshop as i am a designer.. but not too much in photographs.. but seeing wht you have done.. it seems i too start fiddling around with PS!!! cheers kshitiz
paolo marin
{K:4652} 7/1/2004
mi sa troppo di artefatta...
Aimee' Desire'
{K:744} 7/1/2004
Thank you Kshitiz! Actually I rendered this photo with PhotoShop... I am one of the few believers in this program. Some may say it is cheating... even that it should not be part of photography, but the only difference in a film darkroom and a digital darkroom is technology. I choose not to limit myself with anything in life, obviously that includes my photography. Soon I will be under the wing of a longtime local photographer who wants to teach me everything about film, etc. Ya know the funny thing? He wants me (Lil' old me) to teach him digital as he is very interested and intrigued by my work. When it all comes down to it... an image is an image no matter how you choose to get there. So I have included the original photo so you can see that had I not "cheated" I would not have been able to share my visions with you.
Kshitiz Anand
{K:4848} 7/1/2004
Awesome!! Did u take the photograph at underexpose readings? Did u use a polariser ? The colors of the sky and the rainbow are so good! regards