Howie Mudge
{K:27933} 10/10/2004
Love this one. The joys of children and their expressions :)
David Fisk
{K:7444} 7/8/2004
Elizabeth: Great expressional catch. She might as well be saying; "WELL-MM--OH--DO I TRY IT AGAIN?--MAYBE"
Very nicely done!
Best regards David
Ozjan Yeshar
{K:15239} 6/18/2004
The expression you have captured here is an outstanding and you have done it so right in sepia mood. Cheers Elizabeth.
Trish McCoy
{K:15897} 6/17/2004
oh yes we all have. love this look. love the warming tones. yet such a beautiful shot to makes someones day a better one. great look.
Elizabeth O'Neal
{K:4436} 6/16/2004
Thanks for your comments Charisse. I liked the shot too, but it doesn't seem to be very popular with the views/comments.
c c
{K:13449} 6/16/2004
Oh ya....been there alright :)! Elizabeth, this shot is one of my favorites of yours! The tones are perfect and it is crisp and full of life. Nicely done!!
Janine Parkins
{K:1384} 6/16/2004
What a wonderful shot! I LOVVVE her expression! What a cutie! This photo made me not only smile but I even giggled out loud. Thanks for sharing this one and beginning my day with a smile. Well done.