my brother wants to study industrial design and right now he is working on his of the topics is 'sitting'. Today we made a photo session around this theme. This triptych shows for me the best results.
Your comments and critcism are highly appreciated.
after enjoying your new series i just want to add that this is my favourite shot from these three pictures...
grumpf...und bevor ich mir jetzt weiter englische wörter aus den rippen quäle noch die ergänzung, dass ich mich ein wenig hier in diesem bild über seine blickrichtung wundere. so wirkt das bild sehr inszeniert, der "normale" blick würde vielleicht direkt nach unten gehen. aber ich denke, ihr habt es mit bedacht so gewählt....
I informed my brother about your thoughts and perhaps he will contact you tomorrow to discuss a bit, I hope it is ok that I gave him your mail address.
Hi Verena, I know the chair is not his work....;o) and hmmm, yes, these are various ways of sitting you captured in the triptych, but if that was the purpose of the series, I think I would've approached it a bit more metaphorical... Of course, there are hundreds of ways of approaching this, but I would ask myself the following things:
Where can you sit, (on a bench, on a chair, in the middle, etc...)
Why do you decide to sit (tired, resting, enjoying, in pain, waiting... etc)
Who is sitting, (president, substitute players, desk clerc, a dog, etc...)
How do you sit (attentive, relaxed, backward, squatting, straight up, un interested, etc...)
From there on, I would select the approach to the photos.
Probably not the answer you were expecting, but there you have it...;o)
the chair is not his work, and if I understood him correctly, the abandonment was to present ways of sitting in his portfolio and I would say this photos presents way of sitting, or?
Yep, a very consistent series... Technically a perfect shot... Again focussing on the designer and less on his work. That's a job deformation, though...;o)