Dubravko Grakalic
{K:25235} 5/28/2004
. .
{K:16329} 5/15/2004
Hmmmmmm.........a very quick impression.
Bradley Prue
{K:30678} 5/9/2004
Ana and a quail. You need to move, Ana, cause that poor little quail is right in the crosshairs. Your creativity never fails to amaze. ...Brad
{K:42404} 5/7/2004
Murat: hello I am Armando Alcazar from Peru , i dont know why the comments that people make to the pictures of ana ribeiro is arriving to my mail. do you know which is the reason , or what I can make so that this doesn't happen anymore?
{K:42404} 5/7/2004
ana no se por que motivo los comentarios que hacen a tus fotos me los estan enviando a mi correo. por favor verifica esto, un saludo de armando de peru.
{K:30945} 5/7/2004
Love the green eyes. LIke a painting! Kiss, Biliana
Murat Tanriover
{K:8387} 5/7/2004
Worked well here, and there too.
Mary Vareli
{K:15826} 5/6/2004
Again, great! Since you like the Nick Cave scene here is an mp3 present - a wider perspective of the genre...you might think about me a bit...after... ( www.prikosnovenie.com )
Tomo Radovanovic
{K:12788} 5/6/2004
excellent serie very well done regards
drilan P drilan
{K:12030} 5/6/2004
Votre travail (art) est très intéressant Sinc.
Gertrud Gozner
{K:14222} 5/6/2004
beautiful work, Ana!!!
Jonathan Kane
{K:10641} 5/6/2004
mmmmm genius!
Fabio Keiner
{K:81109} 5/6/2004
ana australiana (como y porqué exactamente el mapa de australia cubriendo tu linda cara, ana?:)
Rui Teles
{K:843} 5/6/2004
Ana! a foto está excelente, grande composição na minha opinião! Rui Teles
Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia
{K:96391} 5/6/2004
bellissima 7
Rob Ernsting
{K:8899} 5/6/2004
Is ther any chance that you show your unaltered face at some point in time? It becoming a myth. Nice work. Regards, Rob.
donato r.
{K:16361} 5/6/2004
Fantastica!!!! Favolosa Ana!!!!!