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STEREO: Dog with signs
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Image Title:  STEREO: Dog with signs
Favorites: 1 
 By: Roger Williams  
  Copyright ©2004

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Photographer Roger Williams  Roger Williams {Karma:86139}
Project N/A Camera Model Revere 33 Stereo
Categories Alternative Process
Film Format
Portfolio Stereo
Lens Pair of F/3.5 triplets
Uploaded 3/13/2004 Film / Memory Type Fuji Trebi (transparency) 100 ISO
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 1183 Shutter Nominal 1/100, probably 1/60th
Favorites Aperture F/5.6
Critiques 11 Rating
/ 3 Ratings
Location City - 
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About This is Kuu, the dog who accompanies me on my daily walk. He's waiting patiently while I take these signs. Can you see nine different ones? The Japanese are great ones for putting up signs... these tell you everything from how far nearby landmarks are, to clean up dog poo, not to make a noise at night, not to remove firefly pupae from the stream, etc., etc. There's also an ad for the signmaker, whose house is nearby!
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There are 11 Comments in 1 Pages
Tegwin Deacon   {K:224} 5/28/2004
Actually, this works surprisingly well with all kinds of photo's. I have seen it done wonderfully with macro and with fashion shots. The only thing I have seen the I dont like it on is landscape. As for where you can find more... I have no idea. I used to have a link for a guy who was doing some, with great results. Unfortunately I cant seem to find it any more. try running a search on google. If I come across any, I will be sure to let you know.



Roger Williams Roger Williams   {K:86139} 5/28/2004
Thanks, Tegwin. Sorry I didn't reply earlier but I missed the E-mail notification of your reply because of trouble with my E-mail client when I upgraded it. I see what you mean about the GIF animation and the 3D effect. It's very impressive, although I don't think it would work equally well with all kinds of stereo images. Thanks for posting. Fascinating! Where did you find out about this? Is there a site somewhere I could visit that explains about it?


Tegwin Deacon   {K:224} 5/24/2004
Man!!! I finally found this again!!! I had completely lost track of this thread. Anyway, here is a stereo pic that has been made into an animated GIF

the subject now becomes 3D, notice how it veritably jumps out at you



Roger Williams Roger Williams   {K:86139} 5/18/2004
Thanks, look forward to it. I'm just off to bed (early day tomorrow) and will look at your stereo tomorrow. I am working all hours these days!


Tegwin Deacon   {K:224} 5/18/2004
Thanx for the welcome!!!
As for the gif's, if you shoot stereo, you can make an animated gif with both the images. This makes having to go squint obsolete, as you now have a stereo image that is in one frame. I do not own a stereo camera, but I can quickly shoot tow off axis digi pix for , and upload them to my server for you to see the effect. Please remember that this will simply be a quicky to show you the effect, and not a work of art... will post again in 15 mins, once stereo is complete


Roger Williams Roger Williams   {K:86139} 5/18/2004
Why do you think GIF would be better, Tegwin? By the way, that's a Welsh name, isn't it? (Land of my fathers--the Welsh Williamses, you know...) I looked at your portfolio but there are no personal details and only three photos so far. Welcome to Usefilm and keep posting!


Tegwin Deacon   {K:224} 5/18/2004
Nice, pitty usefilm does not suport gif.


Roger Williams Roger Williams   {K:86139} 5/18/2004
Patrick, this pair has been arranged for those who can easily cross their eyes. If, when you relax your eyes, they tend to drift into focus on CLOSE objects, then you should be able to see this image in full stereo with your unaided eyes. A minority of people's eyes drift the other way, and if you're one of those, you should put the two images the other way around, i.e., reverse L and R. Easy enough in PS. I even thought of providing two pairs, one LR and the other RL, one pair above the other, to cater for both groups... Then I ran out of time and energy.

But looking at what you've done, I'd say your eyes cross OK, but maybe not far enough. Try getting further away from the screen, NOT closer. The further away you are the less your eyes have to cross and the easier it is to get the stereo effect. The only disadvantage is that it's not quite so strong when viewed from further away. Get too close, and there's too much stress on your eyes. I would guess that was your problem.

One of the things you can do is hold up both hands, fingers vertical, palms towards the images, and position them just far enough apart so that your right eye can see through the gap between them to the left image and your left eye can see through the gap to the right image. Then, the trick is to allow your eyes to relax so that the two images seen this way can overlap. This gives a very clean stereo image with no secondary non-stereo images on either side. I usually do this.

Be very careful to have your eyes parallel with the edges of the two images. They won't overlap if one is a little higher than the other. Nod your head sideways and look the bottoms of both images. Keep your head at the angle where they are properly aligned.

Let me know if you manage it. Thanks very much for your interest!


ppdix  ppdix     {K:17069} 5/18/2004
Hello Williams-san.

Excuse my ignorance, but, how do you look at a stereo image? Is it like a stereogram? I tried to overlap the images but i couldn't get close enough. Then I tried a little Photoshop and it worked! I get a great 3D feel but the image had to be edited like the attachment... What am I doing wrong?

Arigato gozaimasu



Roger Williams Roger Williams   {K:86139} 4/19/2004
Yes, Edmond. Poor Kuu was feeling quite lonely here with no comments at all! I'm grateful for yours. Al is so busy catering to the mainstream that I guess catering to minority tastes like stereo (and panorama!) lovers has to be pretty low down his list of priorities. You're right that stereo shots are a lot of work, though. I have a roll from January that I still haven't completely scanned and processed. And I can SEE some of them would be great in stereo... Argh!


edmond lisy   {K:10311} 4/19/2004
Hi Roger,

Have not visit you here for awhile, it seem not
many friends here feed back on your 3D works,
may be they are quite difficult to enjoy, but I
know that you have spent plenty of time in it,
great works anyway ~





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