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Basic Elements
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Image Title:  Basic Elements
Favorites: 23 
 By: michaelle .  
  Copyright ©2002

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Imageopolis Editors Choice Photo Award

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Photographer michaelle .  michaelle . {Karma:3807}
Project N/A Camera Model N80
Categories Film Format
Portfolio From the Road
Lens 70-200
Uploaded 11/15/2002 Film / Memory Type Velvia
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 6104 Shutter 5 seconds
Favorites 23  Aperture f/11
Critiques 77 Rating Critique Only Image
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There are 77 Comments in 1 Pages
Maurizio Massetti Maurizio Massetti   {K:30463} 5/7/2006
Excellent composition!


Gabriella Carta Gabriella Carta   {K:22879} 7/20/2004
wowwwwwwwwwlll wonderful shot, excellent


Andy Le Galle   {K:9} 1/29/2004
I love it, wonderful image, well done!


kathleen fonseca   {K:11992} 1/19/2004
very beautiful, very subtle...time stands still and so did you in order to keep those rocks so sharp! My first thought was 'what's that red thing sticking out of the water?', the little yellow leaves are perfect, the red whatever it is a distraction. Otherwise, beautiful tones, very natural and fluid composition..congrats on EC!!! eeeeeeehaaaawwwww! kat~


Dave Arnold Dave Arnold   {K:55680} 1/19/2004
Your credit is deserved. Very good and the colorization of the leaves just does the picture justice.


danny lovin   {K:681} 1/19/2004
great sense of movement. i love these types of shots. congrats on editor's choice award.
well deserving.


B:)liana    {K:30945} 1/19/2004
Wonderful. Congratulations, Biliana


Florian Wetzel   {K:68} 1/19/2004
a wonderful, because of perfect work, congratulations!
best regards


Pablo    {K:5381} 1/19/2004
Beautiful photo.

Good use of the shutter speed. I like it.

Well done.


Harry Eggens Harry Eggens   {K:14804} 1/19/2004
Congratulations being Editors Choice Michaelle....Best regards Harry


Harry Eggens Harry Eggens   {K:14804} 12/31/2003
Very beautiful in all it's siplicity. Great use of slow shutter speed to soften the water wonderfully. Most wonderful grey and tiny color tones. Great clarity. Excellent and very lovely work MichaelleI do wish you and yours a Happy and Healthy 2004 from the Netherlands....Best regards Harry


Fabio Keiner   {K:81109} 12/31/2003
keep on flowing and streaming in the torrents of your artist's genius


JL E JL E   {K:9693} 11/6/2003
excellent photo. I like it so much!


al shaikh   {K:15790} 11/2/2003


Felipe Rodríguez   {K:9200} 11/2/2003


Helna    {K:820} 11/2/2003
Water is the thing in this pic. And it's really great, like silver. Wesley's crop isn't too bad either.


Marcos Duarte   {K:15402} 11/2/2003
Belissima foto.




Mark Williams   {K:1016} 10/22/2003
Some of us have eyes that can see beyond what really lies if front of them and this is a perfect example. A true artist can see what others can't. I love this photograph!!! I love it just the way the artist caputured it, simple and one of the finest photos I have seen on here.


Emma James   {K:162} 10/1/2003
WOW!!! That's all I have to say.


Dr@gon's Baby   {K:1011} 10/1/2003
very nice b&w picture...I like it...


Wesley Pettus   {K:212} 10/1/2003
I love this shot. The rocks really steal the show, which is perfect. I would probably prefer that the rocks be cropped to the lower half of the shot and not so centered. I don't know if you have enough image to work that. They have so much visual weight and the composition seems somewhat static with them centered. IMHO...With your permission, a different interpretation of the same song


freD Defdef   {K:8} 10/1/2003
I like the contrast between the soft water and the sharp roc.
I must try this!


cinzia gregorutti   {K:4721} 10/1/2003
really strange,original and fabolous!!great effect!!


Tommaso Razzano   {K:8073} 10/1/2003
You have made a wonderful work !
No the normal abuse of BW....
Best Regards....


Mostafa Abulezz   {K:4849} 10/1/2003
congrats for POD..


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 10/1/2003
ohhh magnific shot of basic elements!
congrats for the awards..


B:)liana    {K:30945} 10/1/2003
Just and simply amazing and so gently beautiful. Congratulations. Bravo.


Martin Paul   {K:140} 10/1/2003
Really great! Well done on POTD. Kind Regards, Martin Paul.


RENATA RENATA   {K:87} 9/26/2003
I don't understand the above comments. For me it's nothing special - just a simple picture...


Bart Kudowic   {K:37} 9/5/2003
very soft


Anabela Gabriel-Astrom   {K:1289} 9/1/2003
What a stunning shot!!!
Congratulations, your really deserve the award!


Benjamin Tharin   {K:146} 9/1/2003
I dont like the lack of Sharpness somehow. Not my style...

regards, ben


Andrew O'Rourke   {K:1602} 7/18/2003
I really like the couple of spote in the photo that have huge amounts of color, they are understated but bring a whole nother level to the photo.


Stan Goldstein   {K:44} 7/6/2003
Wonderful shot!


Robin McAulay   {K:8908} 7/6/2003
great picture - well conceived


Peter Burda Peter Burda   {K:4807} 6/25/2003
my be it was difficult to find better composition ....


Ioan Ciobotaru   {K:196} 6/20/2003


Govert Nieuwland Govert Nieuwland   {K:674} 6/20/2003
excellent! beautiful and kept simple: not too much in the frame to distract the viewer.

great work!


Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia   {K:96391} 6/20/2003
stunning beauty.cong.


Erland Pillegaard Erland Pillegaard   {K:34147} 6/20/2003
It is a wonderful B/W photo


Carole Bradford   {K:10715} 6/20/2003
Congrat on POTD! Excellent image!


Csaba Enyedi   {K:27} 6/20/2003
just great!


keon kim   {K:816} 5/30/2003
love the smoothness of the and the stillness of the water..


Paulo Gama   {K:5067} 5/22/2003
Congrats for the editor's choice. This image deserves!!


Jani Salvataggio   {K:27283} 5/22/2003
picture of the week!!


paola f. casali   {K:7301} 5/9/2003
Excellent image!!!!!!!


Rob Holschbach Rob Holschbach   {K:2748} 4/4/2003
This is beautiful Michaelle. Very well done!!! Rob


Luigi Scuderi   {K:4407} 3/31/2003
splendid image!


Jason McKnight   {K:503} 3/13/2003
Beautiful contrast between the sharp rocks and smooth water.


Harold Leff   {K:117} 3/3/2003
La Mer, beautiful soft & moody. Perfect exposure & ltng. Well done!


Matt Hardy   {K:474} 2/12/2003
This is just an amazing shot! The color in the leaves really makes it something special. Well done!


Mary Sue Hayward   {K:17558} 1/25/2003
This really is so wonderful. The EC is well-earned. Terrific shot, Michaelle.


Miles .   {K:896} 1/25/2003
Beautiful, and congratulations.


Michal Wojciechowski   {K:1279} 1/14/2003
Mysterious - that's what came to my mind. Ideal coincidance of softness and sharpness.


Marc Gougenheim   {K:5398} 12/3/2002
The water shot itself is great whereas the leaves (position and color) are not), so why emphasize on the weakness by adding colors ? Regards.


Toni Martin   {K:5092} 11/20/2002
Michaelle, it is great the way it is. No color needed. At some point in life, people should learn to appreciate black and white. That is where photography began. Only one change I would make on displaying this image. I feel it needs a small (4 pixel),black frame. The image is too elegant for it's present frame.


Chris Whaley   {K:3847} 11/18/2002


Petros Stamatakos   {K:12101} 11/17/2002
It has all been said before me. Great job Mickey :-)


michaelle . michaelle .   {K:3807} 11/16/2002
A little bird told me that I had all of you wonderful Usefilmers to thank for the EC... so thank you! It definately put a smile on my face!


Dawna G.    {K:7709} 11/16/2002
Hey Michaelle, I saw this image last night and figured I would wait and comment after Al noticed it - it had EC written all over it!!!!!! I absolutely love this - and a big congrats - your work is fantastic :)


Adam E. J. Squier   {K:9803} 11/16/2002
Those swirls of white are incredible.


Aiman Nassar   {K:11961} 11/16/2002
Looks so simple, yet in my opinion, one of the hardest frames to compose.... Great wrok. Congrats



Greg Summers   {K:1115} 11/15/2002
it feels like a dream where there is a touch of reality in the flow of the moment - wonderful image


Asha Rajan   {K:292} 11/15/2002
Simple composition and absolutely stunning. Well done. A well deserved EC.


Joyce O\'Neal   {K:236} 11/15/2002
this is a great shot, I love the smoky feel of the water!


Eric Goldwasser   {K:4294} 11/15/2002
Congrats on an EC!


Vincent K. Tylor Vincent K. Tylor   {K:7863} 11/15/2002
Well desreved indeed. I just checked out your very impressive portfolio. You are very talented. Look forward to more.


Steve Kompier   {K:4629} 11/15/2002
Well deserved. Congrats and welcome to the club.


Kim Culbert   {K:37070} 11/15/2002
Gorgeous. You have such an eye for beauty. Was this desaturated in PS, with the leaves left in colour? Or is this the way you saw it? However it was done, the finished product is amazing. Congratulations on the EC!


Christian Gennert   {K:964} 11/15/2002
Great shot, very well seen!!! Keep up the good job, please.


Vincent K. Tylor Vincent K. Tylor   {K:7863} 11/15/2002
A beautiful and simple image indeed. Perhaps it is me, I just think she needs a bit more color. Added some color and contrast for a richer appearance. Nice shot!


Eric Goldwasser   {K:4294} 11/15/2002
I have to agree with Steve Kompier.


Dave Holland Dave Holland   {K:13074} 11/15/2002
Basic elements, a nice title. Also, a very effective border, pulling out the color of the brown leaf. A dreamy, flowing, balanced thought. Certainly a favorite.


Greg McMillan   {K:163} 11/15/2002
A truly amazing work of photographic art.


Steven B. Poitinger   {K:1757} 11/15/2002
Another beauty!


Steve Kompier   {K:4629} 11/15/2002
I want a print of this!


Maarten Venter Maarten Venter   {K:885} 11/15/2002
Well done, Michaelle. I am very glad that you did not turn this into a B&W picture. I'll put this on my favourits list.




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