Michel Stuber
{K:417} 2/21/2004
yeahhh!! excellent!! i like it!
Robin McAulay
{K:8908} 12/14/2003
luisa vassallo
{K:28230} 12/14/2003
wow! great effect! very beautiful idea!
Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 12/14/2003
exxxxceeelleeeeent colors and effect but is your tevěchnics of "panning".. or you have "blurred" the background?? 7/7 my friend.. roby
marcin klepacki
{K:944} 12/14/2003
backgroud (buildings) was blured. thanx. regards
Steve Rosenbach
{K:8338} 12/14/2003
woooo-woooo! A wonderful photo, Marcin - I immediately liked it and looked at it for a long time.
You've done a good job on composition, and I like the way the couple adds scale to the photo. The blurring of the train contrasts nicely with the very sharp rendition of the couple.
Great pastel colors.
The only thing that bothers me a little bit is that the houses in the left background look too out-of-focus. Did you use a photo-editing filter to do this, or is it real? If it's real, I retract my nitpick :-)
Best regards, SteveR
Harry Eggens
{K:14804} 12/14/2003
Grrrrrrreeeeeeaaaaaat composition. Very beautiful colors and perspective. Most wonderful light and details. Excellent work Marcin....Best regards Harry