Zé Ovo
{K:7579} 11/25/2003
Bonito Trabalho!
Amancio Couto
{K:15720} 11/24/2003
Meu caro amigo Mario, gostaria de responder a todas, mas sao tantas, que nao da' tempo para dar uma opiniao que merece mais palavras do que dizer apenas; EXLELENTE!!! Mas `e tao facil tambem dizer, que apenas uma foto como esta, vale UM MILHAO DE PALVRAS. Basta a foto que vemos e ficamos a saber que, quem sabe...tem muito valor!!! Abraco.
Antonella Nistri
{K:21867} 11/24/2003
Great master of the available light,bravo!! Antonella
Pedro Libório
{K:53861} 11/23/2003
belíssima caríssimo! abraço.
Gregory McLemore
{K:35129} 11/23/2003
Martha *
{K:310} 11/23/2003
Great tones, i love this image cause it reminds me when i was little in my country (colombia).
. .
{K:16329} 11/23/2003
Love these narrow alleys with the figures at the end. Good one!
augusto mario cunha
{K:19049} 11/23/2003
Uma composição curiosa e interessante. Muito bem.
Jani Salvataggio
{K:27283} 11/23/2003
very good composition! regards Jani
Marcio Cabral
{K:12496} 11/23/2003
Otima composição e perspectiva Mário!! Um abraço!!
Dubravko Grakalic
{K:25235} 11/23/2003
nice perspective
John Hatziemmanouil
{K:40580} 11/23/2003
Nice photo, very good quality Mario.....if the modern can wasn't there... not big deal surely but perchaps in a so great old style road with the nice titles at the ground the composition of a modern can makes the watcher retern to the ...now. Anyway, very nice. I give an excample for what I mean. I did that using Corel Photo Paint and the clone tool. I took parts from the wall at the top of the can to delete it. Very easy. The clone tool is aveliable also at PS, Photo Impact etc.
xy x
{K:41915} 11/23/2003
perfect perspective and scene, great details and moment, congrats
{K:7957} 11/23/2003
Nice photo with perspective.Good shot,Mario.Regards.
Carla Pires
{K:10713} 11/23/2003
Isto é que é vicio, nem ao Domingo...lol. (Já somos 2). Boa perspectiva. Onde fica esta ruela?. Excelente p&b. Abraço. :)
Paul's Photos
{K:35235} 11/23/2003
like the tone.. good job