{K:1605} 5/4/2003
very artistic done, the mood and lighting is excellent
sadaf farahani
{K:1740} 4/18/2003
Jennifer Nail
{K:451} 11/27/2002
id like to learn how to do this w/o gel lights of any kind. what did you do? i'm so amateur... i use generic tricks all of the time. but i dunno about this one, it's definitely cool and very sexy looking. good job! when you check this and can tell me how you did it, would you mind emailing it to me? jennifernail@fuse.net thanks a lot
Ken Alexander
{K:3905} 10/15/2002
Really excellent! How did you light it?
Petros Stamatakos
{K:12101} 10/15/2002
You have found the magic recipy... Nice work as always!
Vincent K. Tylor
{K:7863} 10/15/2002
Love the lighting here and the soft blues. As ususal your images have am unusual amount of drama and charisma. Yes, she does look like she is alone and waiting. But also, like she is ticked off at the guy she is waiting for because he is five minutes late...better hurry up pal! Nice shot as always.