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Baker Beach
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Image Title:  Baker Beach
Favorites: 10 
 By: Kenneth Kwan  
  Copyright ©2002

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Photographer  Kenneth Kwan {Karma:3084}
Project #20 Classic Landscape Camera Model Canon Elan 7e
Categories Film Format
Portfolio Travel
Lens EF 28-105mm f/3.5-4.5
Uploaded 8/2/2002 Film / Memory Type Fuji Sensia 100
    ISO / Film Speed 0
Views 1108 Shutter
Favorites 10  Aperture f/16
Critiques 14 Rating Critique Only Image
Location City - 
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About Shot with combination of polarizer and blue/yellow polarizer, on tripod. This was taken a year and a half ago - the first time I'd travelled with my then new camera. I wish this is sharper. Today, I would have shot this with my 35mm prime at the hyperfocal distance, but I didn't have the lens then, nor did I know about hyperfocal photography. The combined filtration gave some pretty crazy colours on the slide. The saturation has been toned down in PS. Location: Baker Beach, on the west side of the Golden Gate Bridge, San Francisco, California.
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There are 14 Comments in 1 Pages
Maja Gligoric Maja Gligoric   {K:13528} 9/18/2004
Fantastic colors and perspective.Well done!


Kenneth Car   {K:5704} 9/9/2003
Kudos! Your whole portfolio is rich in beautiful images, this one especially.


Rick Ferreira   {K:1453} 5/31/2003
Your entire profile is amazing. This photo is very well composed with great colors. Well done!


Herbert Newland   {K:3435} 4/25/2003
Beautiful capture, fine light and colors


Emma James   {K:162} 4/24/2003
You live in a wonderful city and I'd love to see more photos of it, I have only a few drab photos of my own and my memories. Your portfolio is absoutley amazing! You have inspired me to keep plodding along and to learn more so that maybe one day I can take photos half as good as yours.
As for this particular photo, even with the small lack of sharpness, it is wonderful. The lighting makes up for it and makes it a lovely warm image.


Drecci GISLAADT (anagram   {K:558} 2/28/2003
S.U.B.L.I.M.E !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sandra Engman   {K:1231} 8/16/2002
Honestly I have never liked landscape images as a whole and I have very few I have taken. Never seen any photographers work that even inspires me to want to take landscape images, until now. Even those famous and renown for landscapes have just one or two I like. Usually I see drab, boring and uneventfull images of the landscape. Your work however turned my head. I am commenting on this one in particular because this is the first one that got me looking and I was amazed to find 90% of your images outstanding. Not just a random accident. Your very talented at what you do and I see a big future ahead for you - If you can get someone who doesnt care for landscapes to love your work then I can imagine the excitment others hold. Thank you for sharing your images and how you created them with us. Keep up the excellent work.


Harish Kamath   {K:55} 8/5/2002
Lovely picture - one of the best I seen of golden gate!!


Joe McCary   {K:3235} 8/2/2002
This is one of the best images of the Golden Gate bridge I have ever seen! It belongs on a calendar.


Steve Mekata   {K:610} 8/2/2002
This has a really strong surreal feeling to it from the B/Y polarizer...if you ever saw the video game Myst, it has that kind of strangely-real feel to it.

But what gets me off on an image is composition, and I love the leading rocks and line of the GG Bridge heading off into the Marin headlands.


Dawna G.    {K:7709} 8/2/2002
well done, beautiful light and color (even before you understood hyperfocal distance)! I understand the concept and achieve it with my canon slr, but am finding it very difficult with the digital - I need to do some more research!


Mary Sue Hayward   {K:17558} 8/2/2002
Really lovely image here, I like the rich saturation. My GG shots are always gray and foggy. The sharpness is exactly right. Your About comment regarding hyperfocal photography inspired me to try to understand that better. Great job!


Zarazka Zarazkovich   {K:1510} 8/2/2002
Great photo, I like the colors and the breaking waves in the foreground. Don't worry about the sharpness.


Toni Martin   {K:5092} 8/2/2002
This is still an excellent image, Kenneth. Gorgeous. I know what you mean about that "lack of knowledge back then." I kick myself all the time. Awesome lighting on this image. Perfect perspective!




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