{K:1185} 10/2/2003
very intresting.
Daniel Knutsen
{K:3871} 9/12/2003
WOW!!!! It's so cool!!! And scary! :) GREAT!
Jonathan Kane
{K:10641} 9/11/2003
this one is particularly astonishing to me. I love what you are doing with the human form.
Robin McAulay
{K:8908} 8/25/2003
fabulous picture - strength and emotion - ...and everything!!
Hakan Aker
{K:14146} 8/19/2003
Hi Peter..this is a masterpiece,so impressive
ana ribeiro
{K:21290} 8/19/2003
unbeliveble photo !!!!
Val .
{K:4973} 8/19/2003
my absolut favorit from this series !!!!!
ked, sa pozeram na tuto fotku, tak si zacinam naplno uvedomovat dopad tvojich slov o vyraze (modelu) ...
João Figueiredo
{K:7674} 8/19/2003
it was a misunderstanding...tanxs Peter!!! my english is very poor too...
João Figueiredo
{K:7674} 8/19/2003
"this is nice digital game, is not it?"
No Peter, it isn't. As i told you before, most of my images are about "people in/and urban trajectories" that's a part of my daylife that i try to recreate. The digital technologie is a choice (because of low cost per image), just a way, not the final objective. Sometimes i use long exposition times, and sometimes don't (http://www.usefilm.com/image/192371.html), usualy i use digital, but sometimes don't (http://www.usefilm.com/image/130145.html). And just as an option, i usualy almost don't use photoshop...
Most of all, i just wanna have fun...
Marek Krol
{K:9791} 8/18/2003
I didnt see the title when the word genesis came to mind. It reminds me of the apes going crazy at the beginning of 2001 a space oddysey. The rage and emotino comes across so very strongly in the chaotic blur, looking up as if to ask an unspoken question. Brilliant.
^j^ .
{K:8554} 8/18/2003
Amazing... Beautiful... Extraordinary... Luminous..........
And I agree with Fabio, the story would surely have ended differently with your Abel !!!
zosia zija
{K:11106} 8/18/2003
interesting image...
Dawn Earles
{K:182} 8/18/2003
A very powerful image.
André Bermak
{K:14443} 8/18/2003
Ótimo trabalho linda composição!!!!!
João Figueiredo
{K:7674} 8/18/2003
Fabio Keiner
{K:81109} 8/18/2003
and GOD put a sign on his face that nobody should slay him ... very powerful, your series, indeed all of the images should be presented as a whole to get the full impact of your work (maybe on a private web page?) : to be honest, nevermind, in your interpretation, abel appears much more evil and brutal than cain, which is an interesting variant of the story :) many thanks for sharing your artwork: it's really one of the very rare cases, where I both enjoy it and can learn from it
lowell whipple girbes
{K:13151} 8/18/2003
abel wish to have wings to escape from kain this is a great serie me like it a lot