Marcin Leszczylowski
{K:12} 1/13/2004
Naprawde fajna fotka:)
John Hatziemmanouil
{K:40580} 12/14/2003
Very beautiful shot Maciek. Here the reflections are great because of the clarity and the waveless water's texture. Very nice. My best regards, JH.
Romulo Lubachesky
{K:11836} 7/20/2003
Beautiful reflections
Ana Vianna
{K:15270} 7/20/2003
Great work! beautiful reflection!
Keith Naylor
{K:13064} 7/20/2003
Nice geometrics, however to mak best use of this you need to position the camera to make all the lines symetrical. A centralised position would have helped
Ronny Van Eeckhoutte
{K:12734} 7/20/2003
A wonderful tranquile place indeed! Beautiful tones and reflections! Very nice composition
Rajkumar Dutta
{K:1548} 7/20/2003
beautiful reflection, nice job