Mohammed Iskhakov
{K:1855} 6/8/2010
Beautiful photo. Great perspective and colors. Good work!
Armando Giambolini
{K:17779} 6/6/2010
Great and very impressive shot , dear Hai ! Superb POV and lighting as well.
Love it so much.
Thanks for sharing .
best wishes
Ania Zielińska-Hoşaf
{K:61374} 6/5/2010
Fantastic capture, very impressive and interesting, well composed
Best wishes, Ania
Kallol Majumdar
{K:27691} 6/4/2010
EXCELLENT shot...fantastic composition...my best...7/7
justin ames
{K:1860} 6/4/2010
Superb, Hai.
regards, justin
Saad Salem
{K:89003} 6/4/2010
great and excellent. Saad.
Atri Kundu
{K:618} 6/4/2010
Excellent composition. No word to describe....
Pietro Clarizia
{K:8241} 6/4/2010
Super! well composed, good one !! ciao !
Jonjon Pham
{K:144} 6/4/2010
Very nice capture :)
Sum ob
{K:4665} 6/4/2010
Beautiful in deed...