Roberto Arcari Farinetti
{K:209486} 2/19/2010
un hdr molto cross processing giuliano.. forte di impatto e resa cromatica! mitico...... roby
Miodrag Stojanovic
{K:4477} 1/31/2010
Nice photo. What program do u use for HDR. Best regards.
Ian McIntosh
{K:42997} 1/29/2010
AA's zoning system was ALL ABOUT dodging and burning, he was so good he's plan it before he even took a shot.
Ian McIntosh
{K:42997} 1/29/2010
I have liked the idea of hdr but very seldom the effect. Gary is onto something about the timelessness of it here, like todays photo as yesteryears biscuit tin lid. I DO like that!
orwa juve
{K:6059} 1/17/2010
Nice soft effect,i don't like the HDR when it's strongly observed coz it gives unnatural feeling, but here it makes good composition with the sun. i think you did well not frightening the lady and avoid pushing her to fake an expression or give the camera the happy birthday smile. i think what's so cool hearing the dark-room photographer discovering the magic and the power of the plastic button. since i meet you in person i have to show my jealousy of how much pleasure you find in photography. a dopo my friend. omar
abhik bhattacharya
{K:1443} 1/13/2010
incredible picture....and definitely one of the best I've ever seen...holds a series of stories in it!
cecilia tovini
{K:29423} 1/11/2010
e l'effetto non mi piace molto ma mette pił in risalto i lineamenti e la carnagione della donna
cecilia tovini
{K:29423} 1/11/2010
SONO RIMASTA FOLGORATA ! Cecilia 10+++++++
Giuliano Guarnieri
{K:36622} 12/29/2009
Hello Ron, I'm sure that HDR is something different from a simple "push the botton" but an HDR-like image can be done easily also with these tricks. Maybe since a year ago it was a genuine hand made activity but technology is running fast and fast and today it's affordable by everyone with these plug-ins. I'm sure that there're still people working HDR manually but these plug-ins has reduced a lot the "fashion" of this technic (in my personal opinion). Dodging and burning are very easy today in photoshop expecially because you can do and undo everytime you need without any waste of paper and money. Surely Mr. AA was not doing burning&dodging just squeezing a botton (eventually just squeezing the switch of the light of his enlarger ;) ) Bye
Hussam AL_ Khoder
{K:79545} 12/29/2009
Nice image! Happy New year 2010.
Ron Wilson
{K:18362} 12/29/2009
Hmmmm. I think that you may be missing the point of true HDR images. There is a difference between HDR and Topaz or Lucis effects. What gets credited as an HDR image is often a 1 button effect from some fancy software, but a good HDR cannot be dismissed as computer trickery. Keep experimenting. I'm sure when Ansel Adams first dodged or burned images many thought that he was "cheating" too.
ventrix drogo
{K:65398} 12/28/2009
Al di la' delle prestazioni sui bit, del plug-in, queta immagine secondo me e' molto potente, forte, l'espressione della signora e' il pezzo forte uno sgurado rassegnato ma fiero, anche le mani che lavorano hanno una forza intensa. Sari curioso di vederla in bianco e nero.
enrico (ventrix)
Giuliano Guarnieri
{K:36622} 12/26/2009
Ciao Morc, il fatto č che per raggiungere certi risultati puņ anche non essere necessario scattare a varie sotto/sopra esposizioni, basta lanciare questo plug-in! Se poi sei anche pigro e non vuoi sbatterti a settare i parametri (sebbene ci siano gią decine di preset) puoi farli scegliere a lui in modo random finchč non trovi quello che pił ti aggrada. Come dicevi tu, si tratta solo di alchimia di grafica computerizzata, manipolazione di bit. Forza MAO!! :)
Giuliano Guarnieri
{K:36622} 12/26/2009
Hello Gary, you are right I'd to clone the dust spots but more than an effect they were really dust on the film and.... it's very boring to clean up all them :)
Morc Piantedos
{K:21834} 12/26/2009
partecipo al dibattito; per quanto mi riguarda, tutte queste foto HDR che vedo in giro (principalmente ritratti)sembrano tutti plasticoni. E' interessante il concetto di estendere la latitudine di posa con sovrapposizioni di diverse esposizioni ma gli algoritmi che ci sono dientro sono instabili, non modellano correttamente la fisica della luce ed insomma non stiamo parlando di fotografia ma di grafica computerizzata come lo č d'altronde la fotografia a sensori digitali. Quindi, per me... MAO ad OLTRANZA !!
Billy Bloggs
{K:51043} 12/26/2009
I'm not usually a fan of HDR, especially when it's over the top, but I like the faded look you've achieved here, it gives the image a timeless quality. I'd have cloned out the dust spots though, but you may have kept them for effect. Regards, Gary
Gustavo Scheverin
{K:164501} 12/26/2009
Fantįstico retrato. 7/7
{K:70138} 12/26/2009
I am not a big fan of HDRs, so agree with you ! Merry Christmas GG ! cheers, Avi
Massimo Di Maggio
{K:-53658} 12/25/2009
Mah, mi sembra che l'HDR sia l'ennesima trovata digitale, personalmente non riesco a sopportarlo... A proposito delle donne permalose ed esigenti, le fotograferei con la Delta 3200 sviluppata col Rodinal :))
{K:30983} 12/25/2009
Caspita che espressione! Ha la stessa intensitą di una di quelle donne permalose ed esigenti a cui solitamente non applichi il plug in per lisciare la pelle :-))))
Paola LL
Malules Fernandez
{K:54810} 12/25/2009
Fascinating work, Giuliano!!.7. ciao! Malules
Costin Bordeianu
{K:-46} 12/25/2009
Very nice one...
Radovan Magdalenic
{K:32881} 12/25/2009
Congratulations Giuliano,excellent portrait.Merry Christmas
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 12/25/2009
Excellent portrait. All my best wishes Nanda