Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 1/7/2010
Thank you dear Teresa. All my best wishes Hugs Nanda
{K:-650} 1/7/2010
Impressive portfolio you have got. Really love this one! Best, Teresa
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 12/14/2009
Thank yoo dear friend. My all best wishes Nanda
Debasish Ghosh
{K:841} 12/14/2009
Nice view..the road to eternity.
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 11/26/2009
Thank you dear Vikas. My best vishes Nanda
Vikas Kahol
{K:444} 11/26/2009
Awesome Nanda Baba!!
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 10/27/2009
Thank you dear Sauvik. Best wishes Nanda
Sauvik Chandra
{K:3895} 10/27/2009
Asadharon DOF. Greatful to see this type of landscape.
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 10/27/2009
Thank you Clifton. Best wishes Nanda
Clifton Jones
{K:10688} 10/27/2009
Wonderful perspective.............
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 10/25/2009
Ovo je isto s jednog foto shotinga kada sam vodio djecu na vrelo Bosne. Drvored je prelijep samo sto je star i obolio. Pozdrav Nanda
. .
{K:2013} 10/25/2009
Da, secam se i ovog. Mogla se i zvati "trag sudbine"... Ovo je isto strucno uradjena slika sa putem koji se gubi u daljini ostavljuci posmatracu da se pita: kuda?
Da li su oni labudovi jos tamo?
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 10/23/2009
Thank you dear Nessa. Best wishes Nanda
vanessa shakesheff
{K:68840} 10/23/2009
Wonderful dof ..the eye is drawn right into the picture..nessa
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 10/23/2009
Beautiful comment, or I'd better written. thank you Marius. Best wishes Nanda
marius dragastan
{K:1482} 10/23/2009
the angle is very well chosen. at a first glance it may give the impression that it spoils symmetry. but at a closer analysis the composition is perfectly symmetrical because the walkway ends in the point that splits the image into two perfectly even vertical parts (the walkway starts from the bottom right corner and ends perfectly in the middle). in the second plan there are 3 layers of color: green, blue and pinkish sky that I noticed at a third closer look. actually I wanted to say many good things about this photo, but my English is so poor and I cannot express them properly.
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 10/23/2009
Thank you dear Joăo. Best wishes Nanda
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 10/23/2009
Thank you Gregory. Best wishes Nanda
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 10/23/2009
Thank you Mitra. Best wishes Nanda
Joăo F * Photography
{K:41945} 10/23/2009
Wonderfull my friend. hugs joao
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 10/23/2009
Thank you may dear Bikash. Best wishes Nanda
S.Bikash Bhattacherjee
{K:1082} 10/23/2009
Great shot ,great vanishing point,Excellent work......Regards Nandaji
Gregory McLemore
{K:35129} 10/23/2009
You captured well the essence of tranquil beauty.
Mitra Nademi-Nassari
{K:28234} 10/22/2009
Very good photo, Nanda! Pozdrav, Mitra
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 10/22/2009
Ovo je aleja koja se proteže oko 4km, od Ilidže do vrela Bosne i sve je pravac. Hvala na komentaru. Pozdrav
Radovan Magdalenic
{K:32881} 10/22/2009
Odlicno uslikano Nanda,kao da ovaj drvored ide u beskonacno.Pozdrav,od mene 7+
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 10/22/2009
Thank you my dear friend. Best wishes Nanda
Kallol Majumdar
{K:27691} 10/22/2009
Beautiful...lovely converging lines and long way to go... Best wishes
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 10/22/2009
Thank you dear Turi. Best wishes Nanda
Turi cg
{K:27715} 10/22/2009
Very good perspective! Regards Turi
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 10/22/2009
Thank you. Best wishes Nanda
Arben Mallaki
{K:10761} 10/22/2009
Great shot!!
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 10/22/2009
Thank you very much. Yes, I have this picture. Best wishes Nanda
Massimo Di Maggio
{K:-53658} 10/22/2009
Very nice perspective, it would be great with a person in it.
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 10/22/2009
Thank you Claudia. Best wishes Nanda
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 10/22/2009
Ma ne, nisam ni mislo da si potonula, nego jednostavno sam osjetio da imas nekih briga, problema. Biće sve OK. Topao pozdrav Nanda
Claudia Perilli
{K:31090} 10/22/2009
Great capture. Nice perspective!
Srna Stankovic
{K:172232} 10/22/2009
Zivnula ? OOOOOOO, pa nisam ja ni potonula, nemoj da brines ... tvrd sam ti ja orah ;-) Suprug je trebalo da ide na operaciju posle godinu dana od prosle ... odlozena je za mesec dana. Uvek ima puno toga za pricu :-) Topli pozdravi :-) Srna
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 10/22/2009
Thank you my dear frined. Best wishes Nanda
Malules Fernandez
{K:54810} 10/22/2009
Infinite path... hugs, Malules
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 10/22/2009
Draga Srna drago mi je da si malo živnula, neobićno je bez tvojih komentara. Ja se uvijek dobro raspoložen, jednostavno ne dozvoljavam da me bilo šta izbaci iz ravnoteže. Možda je to posljedica dogogodišnjeg treniranja karatea, jer tamo osmim borilačkih vještina naučiš i da uravnotežiš duh, a to je najbitnije. A ima još i puno toga za priću. Topli pozdrav Nanda
Srna Stankovic
{K:172232} 10/22/2009
Nadam se da jesen nece potrajati koliko i ovaj dugiiiiii put ... ;-) Sjajna perspektiva :-) Verujem da si dobro :-) Topli pozdrav :-) Srna
Nanda Baba das
{K:78053} 10/22/2009
Thank you dear Harry.
Wolf Zorrito
{K:78768} 10/22/2009
It really is autumn, Nanda, well seen.