Milk, food colouring, flashes off-camera - yes, I'll go along with all of that. As to the flash duration, I'm just going by what it says in the spec of my cheapo Starblitz. But I've also read that cheap flashes are often faster flashes - hey, now there's a bonus!
AJ, Yes I saw your latest and was inspired... Honestly, I have no idea what the flsh exposure is. I Played with manual settings, turning the power way down but then I got tripple exposures. So now I am using my MT-24EX as a master running in ETTL and my Speedlight 550EX as the slave... All three heads are off camera.
Oh yea... and a gallon of milk and some food coloring...
Hey, Pat my friend, I am so happy to see you having a go at this!
You've got good shapes in the drops, nice colours and excellent sharpness, so I guess you've sussed all the settings (presumably a 1/20,000 flash?) Hoping for more...