Owen O'Meara
{K:10503} 11/16/2008
I think you did mention something about that but there is a young Polish lady of great beauty that, along with me does not agree. She suggested giving and taking no quarter. Sorry my dear mate.It is going to be a sad holiday for you.
Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 11/15/2008
yeah point taken.. however you know how it is.. the image in the minds eye the previsualisation and the reality... hardly ever the same.. thanks anyway.. Oh and did I mention you were going to be rubbish after the christams comp.. I'm not sure if I mentioned that before ;-)
Owen O'Meara
{K:10503} 11/15/2008
It still kicks ass. -O
Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 11/15/2008
thanks mate.. the ribbon is a tad "fresh" which is not quite what I wanted.. and it also needed to be in a gutter somewhere but there is no way I could have left the stuff in a gutter in town.. it would be swept away.. so the snakepit become the venue
Owen O'Meara
{K:10503} 11/15/2008
Don't ask me why mate but I think this is a freaking beauty. The composition works and the intense red of the ribbon is perfect against the bricks. Composition is superb and the whole thing begs for a story.
Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 11/15/2008
yeah.. I guess... it was part of a photo competition run by Canon.. you applied for an entry and then a week later a little box turned up in the post containing a piece ribbon a crayon a cocktail umbrella a tea candle and a bubble making kit. All were to be photographed seperatley and then the images uploaded to the Canon website... I took too long to figure out what I was gonna do and was too late in trying to enter.. bummer
Jim Loy
{K:31373} 11/15/2008
I will take this as the secondary definition... accumulated debris. Nice.