First of all I must say that I had been in look out for images taken by you. I came to know about you from my professor - Subrata Ray Chaudhury. I also saw the picture 'Barber' at the 2008 archives of Cannes. There is no doubt of the fact that it was one of the best pictures that I have ever seen. I made a google search today and found your works on Usefilm. And I must say that I am overwhelmed. Works like photographers like you help novice photographer like me who have been taking pictures only for a few months.
With my limited understanding I would like to communicate to you my viewpoints on this picture, as this is your latest upload.
The first important point of this picture is the diagonal crest and troughs. This geometrical pattern captures the eye and calls for attention. The most amazing part of the picture is the expression of the cow and the child, which are very similar. If this had not been there, the image would have lost the appeal. The way the cow is aware of the photographer is a rare sight. Apart from this, one also gets an impression of the environment in which the child works and lives. The detailing of the girl and the brick floor is well captured. In short, this is a very good shot.
But a criticism is incomplete without noticing a few drawbacks. What captures the attention at first glance is the first cow, which unfortunately has nothing to say. So one has to observe very carefully to understand what is important in the picture. The other thing is that the man is decapitated totally. As far as I know and have realised is that no biological figure must be cut out at any joint. If at all it has to be cut out, it has to be somewhere between the knee and foot. There could have been an interesting expression on his face. But we are missing that. It also seems that you may have burnt the region behind that man using the burn tool of photoshop. A careful look at the image makes this very apparent. I do not know why you did it. But I think it is troubling. This is my personal opinion. You see I am only 23 years old and know nothing of photography. I have been taking pictures for only four months. So forgive me if my points are wrong. You are an excellent photographer and I am looking forward to learn a lot from you.