Not really sure about this shot so might not stay on here long I liked this idea of decorating the building the way cavemen used to paint on the walls of their caves
I like the idea, too! Comes from the same motive as graffiti but with better execution here (though some graffiti can be pretty impressive). But I don't see why you might not want to leave this on show. It's fascinating. Byt the way, thanks for visiting...
yes Keith,just think about it and you will conclude the same results,we are no different from our ancestors,why do you think he paints his cave? this is one side of the coin,the other appears in the fact our huge civilizations and modern culture,and as they said 500 times brain capacity,and still there is a war or tow at every continent,they said because of freedom and liberality,and we know for good,its because of oil and gold or something else that is valuable, please pardon my deep assay,cause I am from a land of war, by the way,those painting are really cheer full,my best regards,Saad.
dear Keith,we are not so different from the caveman,we are fighting for the same reasons,run wars for the very same reasons,still love, hate,and kill for the same reasons,why we shouldn't decorate our buildings,also for the same reasons? my best regards,for the photo,and idea, Saad.