arash karimi
{K:-331} 6/26/2008
salam ,akse kheyli khoobiye, natoonestam vazhe baraye tosifesh peyda konam :) vali mesle baghiyeye aksa sarshar az mafhoom , man ham in sabke akasio be akasiye az golo bolbol tarjih midam :)
Reza Jaffari
{K:1092} 6/24/2008
khali khobeh on enekas az bass keh neveshatm in chand rooz o ersal nashodeh digeh naye neveshtan nadaram :( vali yeh chizi begam movazih alee shodeh !
Zahra Darvishian
{K:1422} 6/22/2008
image= formi movazi ba emruz emruz= changi penhani baraie farda
Zahra Darvishian
{K:1422} 6/22/2008
i love ur white french ensyyyyy
Zahra Darvishian
{K:1422} 6/22/2008
When tomorrow starts without me, and I'm not there to see. If the sun should rise and find your eyes, all filled with tears for me, While thinking of the many things we never got to say.....
(selected lines of an anonymous's poem for Monica's death from metastatic breast cancer)
aZiZ aBc
{K:28345} 6/21/2008
Gozasht emrooz. Farda ra che bayad kard? ... Great. I hope tommorow be better than today. 7+ Aziz