Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 6/19/2008
The whole series evolves to something very interesting, Ian, but this one is a bit different from the others (for me). The assimption of "something is there" seems to be stronger here, perhaps because the contrours of the shapes seem more definite?
Tony Smallman
{K:23858} 6/18/2008
Have you tried using channels ,converting to BW and then pulling down the blue channel a long way and then pushing up the green and red channels- you can get a good IR effect like that-see my last 2 posts. .... Tony
Ian McIntosh
{K:42997} 6/18/2008
Surely some symbolic role but they are both loved and reviled in different cultures. Too cold for them here, I can take 'em or leave 'em. This is a comission, Tony, but am still struggling with the constraints. She saw my photos shot from a car some months ago, wants black and white photo in photo look. I'm getting nice colour shots but this hasn't converted to desaturated very well at all. I boofed the contrast to the max. Maybe too bright a white? Maybe it just won't fit into the b&w constraint. Never mind I reckon I'd print the colour one for myself.
Roger Skinner
{K:81846} 6/17/2008
ooohhh another wonderful thing..
Ian McIntosh
{K:42997} 6/16/2008
The cabbages would be with the monkey. I don't see where he went either. The local term for this tree is "cabbage tree".
Tony Smallman
{K:23858} 6/16/2008
I still haven't found the cabbages,maybe they were carried off by the monkey.What I do see.I like.there's a sort of apocaliptic feel about this image...does the snake have some sort of symbolic role here....Intrigued! Cheers, Tony
Ian McIntosh
{K:42997} 6/16/2008
Sorry Mirek. I may have been looking at this too long! :) I see his head. Thanks for that.
Mirek Towski
{K:14880} 6/16/2008
To me it looks like a stork and a monkey. Sorry I don't see any serpents.