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Image Title:  sketch
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 By: Sounak Mukhopadhyay  
  Copyright ©2008

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Photographer Sounak Mukhopadhyay  Sounak Mukhopadhyay {Karma:2854}
Project N/A Camera Model Sony DCR HC36E
Categories Children
Film Format Digital JPEG Low
Portfolio The beginning
Lens in built
Uploaded 4/16/2008 Film / Memory Type digital
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 416 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 27 Rating
/ 6 Ratings
Location City -  Feydhoo
State - 
Country - Maldives   Maldives
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s t  r i n g s


There are 27 Comments in 1 Pages
Sounak Mukhopadhyay Sounak Mukhopadhyay   {K:2854} 6/4/2008
Ami U--------R------chhi----------------


Subhrajit Basu Subhrajit Basu   {K:3102} 6/4/2008


Sounak Mukhopadhyay Sounak Mukhopadhyay   {K:2854} 4/21/2008
The comments like this encourage me to proceed. I'm just a beginner doing photography for about 4 months now.


 Mohammad  Khaxar Mohammad  Khaxar   {K:5118} 4/20/2008
You are a very talented photographer.
i love your portfolio...


Sounak Mukhopadhyay Sounak Mukhopadhyay   {K:2854} 4/20/2008
Thanks Michael,

I got my Sony camcorder last year in October 2006. It has a still photography option as well. But I got my memory card in January 2008. So I started shooting in January 2008 to be specific. Everything in my profile has been shot since then, sometimes with my low resolution camcorder, sometimes with other's camera. This one was shot with my camcorder. That's why the image quality is not very good. I've ordered for a DSLR and am expecting it soon.

Please forgive my ignorance of technical aspect of photography. I'm trying to learn and learn it fast.

Thanks again, dear!


J. Michael Soliz J. Michael Soliz   {K:1366} 4/19/2008
great composition!!! How long have you been shooting?


txules                                . txules  .   {K:62768} 4/17/2008
In the end the tilted horizon has won the battle, Ok just kidding this is not a battle at all; here it goes one of mi images with a tilted horizon as well;
be well and thanks for your last comment....txules


Sounak Mukhopadhyay Sounak Mukhopadhyay   {K:2854} 4/17/2008
Thanks a lot, Luca. When people like you encourage me, it's really special.


Luca Peccerillo Luca Peccerillo   {K:17660} 4/17/2008
Brillant work my friend, an excellent
composition. Well done, i like very much
your photos gallery! Thanks for your comment!


Sounak Mukhopadhyay Sounak Mukhopadhyay   {K:2854} 4/17/2008
Thanks Srna for your suppport. I will always try and grow within.


Srna Stankovic Srna Stankovic   {K:172232} 4/17/2008
So very strong and evocative composition Sounak and Avi and txules told you everything !!!
Keep up the good work and let your imagination to spread !!! :)


Sounak Mukhopadhyay Sounak Mukhopadhyay   {K:2854} 4/17/2008
Vamos a ponerlo de esta manera. La inclinación es poco convencional y en contra de las "reglas" de la fotografía.

Pero entonces hay personas que aman las cosas no convencionales y rebeldes como deseen.

Estoy en ningún lado ahora mismo. Yo estoy sentado atrás y escuchando a las dos de mis más inteligentes y capaces fotógrafo compañeros ........ y el aprendizaje en todo.


Sounak Mukhopadhyay Sounak Mukhopadhyay   {K:2854} 4/17/2008
Let's put it this way. The tilting is unconventional and against the "rules" of photography.

But then there are people who love unconventional things and rebel as they wish.

I'm in no side right now. I'm sitting back and listening to both of my intelligent and much capable photographer mates........and learning throughout.


Sounak Mukhopadhyay Sounak Mukhopadhyay   {K:2854} 4/17/2008
Gracias, Gus.


Sounak Mukhopadhyay Sounak Mukhopadhyay   {K:2854} 4/17/2008
txules, that is the greatest thing about art. Nothing is right and nothing is wrong. While my other photographer friends found the tilting horizon erratic, you loved it, dear. Thank you for all your encouraging comment. Presently I have a very low quality camera. I'm in the process of buying a DSLR.


Gustavo Scheverin Gustavo Scheverin   {K:164501} 4/16/2008
:-), tu observación es muy válida, regresé a mirarla, pero yo no puedo superar la incomodidad ante los horizontes inclinados! más fuerte que yo!, me pasa lo mismo con la verticalidad de las estructuras...., mirá es simple, todo lo que está inclinado puede caerse, y eso es el terror de los ingenieros!...:-)

No te olvides de mandarme la resonancia.

Un gran abrazo!


txules                                . txules  .   {K:62768} 4/16/2008
por una vez disiento mi querido amigo, el horizonte inclinado es lo que la hace tan atractiva, de otra forma sería una foto plana, por supuesto el bote rojo es un foco de atención precioso; fíjate que la mirada de un niño puede ser menos racional que la nuestra de ahí lo bueno de la foto, claro que así es como la veo yo que no soy un buen matemático; Avi está de acuerdo contigo Gustavo y yo en desacuerdo con los dos, cosas de la vida, afortunadamente :)
Un abrazo querido amigo....txules


Gustavo Scheverin Gustavo Scheverin   {K:164501} 4/16/2008
La composición del niño y el bote es buena, pero el horizonte inclinado es un defecto muy notable.
Un abrazo!


txules                                . txules  .   {K:62768} 4/16/2008
I find this image really outsatnding with some faults but what amaze me is the overall composition and concept; love the tilted horizon (I do not agere with my friend Avi in this) and focus is very good for me too but I second Avis opinion about sharpen: it's oversharpened with a white halo around boys body; why do dou shot in jpeg low?, try a better quality
but anyway love the image; hugs.....txules


Sounak Mukhopadhyay Sounak Mukhopadhyay   {K:2854} 4/16/2008
And flying kisses for Hussam...........


Sounak Mukhopadhyay Sounak Mukhopadhyay   {K:2854} 4/16/2008
Thanks, Diego. Thank you for the encouragement.


Diego Bullita Diego Bullita   {K:17017} 4/16/2008
hi Sounak,


Hussam AL_ Khoder   {K:79545} 4/16/2008
____xxxxxxxx( W O W )xxxxxxxxx

This is a wonderful and unforgetable photo.


Sounak Mukhopadhyay Sounak Mukhopadhyay   {K:2854} 4/16/2008
Ya himanshu, I'll remember about the horizon in future. Thanks buddy!


Sounak Mukhopadhyay Sounak Mukhopadhyay   {K:2854} 4/16/2008
Thanks a lot Avi for your detailed analysis. I'll keep everything in mind. Regarding the focusing part, my camera can't do much about that.

but I'll genuinely remember teh horizon part and the sharpening as well.


himanshu  das   {K:963} 4/16/2008
hi sounak,
grt shot.color,composition are good except horizon.


Avi  Avi     {K:70138} 4/16/2008
Composition is good Sounak, but I can suggest 3 changes:

1. Use a smaller aperture to get near-far sharper focus
2. Correct the horizon tilt - try to do it while taking the shot, rather than doing it later in some editing software - that way, it helps you gather more composure while shooting.
3. Don't try to over-sharpen blurred parts. It leaves a halo around subjects' outlines, which becomes quite evident to the viewer.





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