Of course I wouldn't give it away... for free, that is! I think that some $8723648237 would be OK, and of course also my name written with fat letters on the stage when they perform! ;-)
OK, OK, considering the orthography problems with my name, I accept the $8723648237 only ;-)
I undersdtand exactly what you mean now, and I burned the middletones on that part a little bit. (Attachment) It really gained consistency of look. It is more "real" now, and it has a better definition of its color palette. I think that the more dominating part is the result of the reflections on the window of the train, from which I took the image - if I remember well. So, in a backwards engineering mode, I should have chosen a better position behind the window to avoid the reflections as good as possible.
Thanks a lot for the sharp look again!
Burned the parts at the lower right of the guitar body
ah Nick, I'd be glad to see your design of guitar on him, but then I am not sure you would give it away!! however, to be exact on what i mean of that yellow- the part you marked seems more dominant with 'my yellow point-outing' and the rest is less intense.
So I must write them if they'd have any interest for a new look and image of guitars, ey? ;-)
Thanks a lot for the nice and inspiring comment again, Visar! I don't quite see any yellow - do you perhaps mean that region as marked on the attachment?
Marked-up region that I think Visar means speaking about yellow color
I find this design fit for Kenny Hickey of Type O Negative!- black and silver design- i think fits so much to this band and the nature of their philosophy/ what they sing about. here, perhaps i would modify that yellow to silver- thus have a duochromatic design, pretty typical for gothic and black metal.