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Hanging In There
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Image Title:  Hanging In There
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 By: Andre Denis  
  Copyright ©2008

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Photographer Andre Denis  Andre Denis {Karma:66407}
Project #42 Moody Landscape Camera Model Fuji S5000
Categories Nature
Film Format Digital JPEG Norm
Portfolio Close To Home
Lens Fujinon
Uploaded 1/23/2008 Film / Memory Type Digital
    ISO / Film Speed 200
Views 1743 Shutter 1/125
Favorites Aperture f/4.0
Critiques 38 Rating
/ 3 Ratings
Location City -  Near Toronto
State -  ONTARIO
Country - Canada   Canada
About Beech Tree leaves hangning in there for the winter, looking great in the snow.
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There are 38 Comments in 1 Pages
Andre Denis Andre Denis   {K:66407} 3/26/2009
Your English is poetic Roby. What more could I ask for but a review like that.
Thank you!


Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 3/25/2009
so.. and with a magic.. natural scene, the boughs create the whole.
a touch of autumn in winter.
hope my english is well..
take care


Andre Denis Andre Denis   {K:66407} 6/30/2008
Thanks Peter,
I'm glad you like it. This is one of my favourites from last winter. The light and slight fog co-operated that day.


Peter De Rycke Peter De Rycke   {K:41212} 6/29/2008
Excellent work Andre .. the brown leaves against that colourless winter scene .. just great !!


Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 2/18/2008
A beech tree! Thanks a lot for that, Andre! I must search for them around here, and see if I could also get some good shots. The color of the leaves in winter against the white snow is very attractive to me.

As of "tempered poison"... well, you must be at least some steps ahead of me in evolutionary scale... even my girlfriend still advices me to be a bit more "diplomatic" now and then ;-)

But whatever I say, I don't say it in a "qualifying" manner. It's pretty much only what I perceive to be the most basic things that can at the end bring us all a bit closer, and to those things belong sincerity and directness too, in the sense of sitting together for a beer and just saying what's in one's mind. It's much of trusting that we do not assume any kind of barriers and gaps just because we didn't have any opportunity to really sit together. And cynicism is for me always a very good reason to laugh wholeheartedly at my own self too - I mean what the heck? Since when did I get soooo perfect to feel insulted ny some cynical comment? Only god is ideal and I don't believe in god anyway ;-)

But perhaps also I assume that kind of directness too quickly and before the "ice has been broken" - and that's my problem: Until now I don't realize that there might be also some ice cubes in that big pot of soup in which we are all boiling! ;-)




Andre Denis Andre Denis   {K:66407} 2/17/2008
Thanks Nick,

I think sometimes the "poison" gets tempered by our age. :) I'm still pretty cynical, but I don't seem to take it out on people as much as I used to.

By the way, I found out recently, this is a Beech Tree. They stay like this in the winter, withoug loosing their leaves.


Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 2/16/2008
Thanks a lot, Andre. Same holds to a much higher degree for you. You always have something nice to say, while as you surely noticed I can get quite "poisonous" too at times! ;-) Oh well, we don't get that seriously! ;-)




Andre Denis Andre Denis   {K:66407} 2/15/2008
Hi Nick,
If everyone had the same attitude that you have, we should all be okay in the future. :)


Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 2/11/2008
Yes, we'll all have to get engaged in that board, or we will face pretty hard situations, Andre! I guess that many things we consider as granted now will change.

I am confident that we will manage to get the next step at the end, though I also think that we will have our problems to question and also to abandon many ideas that did make up a big part of lives, and of the very way we perceive ourselves in some society or land. It's not easy to just say "OK, that's the new conditions, and I must get familiar to them.", and so it will take time, I guess.

I have for example not any problem to consider my country not as just mine, but I can also understand the fears against too much immigration, loss of culture, and the like. But what else can we do - we can't just sit there and lock up anything expecting to continue the same ways isolated for ever. Better to face it now and try to make it best possible, I guess, but this means also some movement in our own minds.

The good thing is that we do get closer this way, even with our daily argues and conflicts. We realize by the time that "the other guy" has also two legs and two arms, and has also hunger, thirst, the will to live on, and so on.




Andre Denis Andre Denis   {K:66407} 2/10/2008
Hi Nick,
I think all nations are going tho have to get on board very quickly. It sounds very dramatic, but there will have to be major differences in the way we live in the not too distant future. As you say, major migrations due to drought and other natural disasters will be a huge dilema for some countries.


Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 2/8/2008
Well Dave, it changes. So much is sure. Why it changes, that's the question. It seems that we supported something that would happen anyway - resonance, you know. And so the change that would come anyway got additionaly enforced. Now it remains to find out what to do about it, and I really hope that there will be reasonable long term plans from the side of politics since we will be confronted with several problems. I do believe that they are solvable, if we only get a bit more close together and cooperate - like for example for the heavy problem of massive migration that stands in front of us. We can't really prevent that from happening, but we can setup the frame today that will be able to manage that tomorrow. The only bad thing I see here is that politics and also economy seem to not really care for, say the next 20, 50, or 200 years. And I think that the too strong concentration on what is good for today and perhaps tomorrow could steal away the best possibilities for the coming generations.

Going for the green baandwagon simply because it is "in" nowadays is of course exactly as blind as to ignore the consequences of a human supported global warming. And this is also what I try to explain to many "green" friends here - we don't do that for being conform to some kind of trend. You see, it's really silly to believe that we do something good if we, say, use some kind of bio-products and at the same time demand a 850 square meters house, like the Swiss do. ;-)

I think it's a matter of balance, to say, what do I really need, and what is only some kind of useless luxury. Perhaps much like choosing a camera? I mean, if we are able to take what we need, and to leave the rest, then we will at the end also manage to solve that kind of problems considering natural surroundings. And from what I have seen on documentaries upt to know, I thi k that you people in Canada are on a reasonable path to that. You do have your big cities and industries and things like that, but you also do have the totally unspoiled regions where there is no hotel around - only grizzlies. I think that it is reasonable to not expect some kind of luxury menu and the best of all wines when you're somewhere out there - and that would be also not the point. The point would be to really see how things evolve out there, where no company thinks about the maximumj profit for the next quarter.

I think that there can be that balance.




Andre Denis Andre Denis   {K:66407} 2/5/2008
Hi Nick,
Personally, I don't know what to believe when it comes to climate change. It seems everyone is jumping on the "green" bandwagon these days. At least everyone except those who need to the most.


Andre Denis Andre Denis   {K:66407} 2/5/2008
Thanks for your comment on this one Claude. I have to admit that it wasn't my intention to try and make this one look like a scene in the Japanese tradition. But now that you mention it, I am flattered by the comparison.
Thank you,


Claude Tenot   {K:9960} 2/3/2008
C'est splendide André...une magnifique composition qui s'inscrit dans la tradition des maîtres japonais...bravo bravo


Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 2/2/2008
Yes, it seems that the prayers have been answered here too, Andre. I only wonder for how long.. I would really feel somehow "reduced" if we'd be missing a real winter. Of course it is not the "easy" time of the year, but both considering nature itself, and also considering my own expoectations, something would be missing without at least some white days in wintertime.

Let's hope that it is still not too late for global climate, and let's hope that we all at last will recognize that it is a sensitive balance on this planet if it is supposed to carry humans too.

Cheers from a meanwhile white Lucerne!



Andre Denis Andre Denis   {K:66407} 2/1/2008
Hi Nick,
Yeah, the tourist industry in Switzerland must hate that global warming trend. As I said in an earlier comment, we are currently getting plastered with snow. All the prayers of the ski resorts near here have been answered.


Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 2/1/2008
Hi Andre!

Yes, the flag thing sounds very reasonable to me. Some way of "auto labeling" while the named person is the right one in our heads, but its "label" isn't. Oh well, imperfections and limitations of mind.

As about snow here, your words to God's ears - even if he never existed! ;-) Seriously now, they said something about snow in the valleys during the coming weekend, and so I guess you are right. But generally spoken it gets less and less year after year. That seems to be a trend.

I think I already told you about the alarming situation also for the touristik branch around here. Even the ski world cup in Engelberg gets more and more difficult to carry out. Last year they were using snow machines all the time, and it was so strange to see the guys jumping on a white corridor while it was green to the left and the right of the piste.




Andre Denis Andre Denis   {K:66407} 1/31/2008
Hi Nick,
Don't worry, I was only kidding about the name. I sometimes find myself doing the same thing. I think it has to do with seeing the flag when we are writing the comment. We associate the flag with two or three names and sometime slip with a name.
I doubt that it is the end of snow forever in Lucerne. You will get some more chances at snow yet.


Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 1/30/2008
Again the same mistake - am I ever going to make the right mapping between persons and names? ;-)

I am so sorry, Andre, I don't know why I change your name so often.

Large water bodies do have a big influence on weather since water levels temperatures with its heat capacity and makes winters warmer and summers cooler. But it has to be some certain amount of water too, and considering this the lake here is really a dwarf compared to the big lakes of Canada. (They are rather seas!) So, Lake Lucerne does have some influence on the weather around here but it's a bit small for not having any snow during the whole winter in the city. Thanks heavens I had the idea to take some photos of the city in snow some years ago, that is ;-)



Andre Denis Andre Denis   {K:66407} 1/29/2008
Hi Mervo,
Thanks for the nice comment!
Good to see you back again. This one is growing on me more and more too. I'm glad I posted it.


Andre Denis Andre Denis   {K:66407} 1/29/2008
Hi Nick,
It's Andre not Dave :)
I think it might depend on the size of the lake. They call it "Lake Effect". I suppose all large bodies of water have some influence on the weather.


Mervo  Mervo     {K:8643} 1/28/2008
YEs yes yes - this is a winner with me Andre! Well captured and exposed my friend - I like this a lot!


biljana mitrovic biljana mitrovic   {K:48110} 1/28/2008
I am glad my dear friend we have same feeling of this picture !:)
and I must agree with you about tennis...and ,as one Serbia writer saids Spite is the best Serbian export product ...and Novak has that Serbian spite win the best .....

big hug my dear friend


Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 1/28/2008
Hi Dave, and thanks a lot for the reply!

A tree that keeps its leaves even under extreme cold temperatures... fascinating! And quite a good thing to know that there is still winter in other places of this world. Perhaps what you say about the lakes is also appliable here in Lucerne, as the town is also built at the shore of the lake.




Andre Denis Andre Denis   {K:66407} 1/27/2008
Thanks Biljana,
Yes, I just finished commenting to Andrzej that this one is almost like having two atmospheres in one image. It worked out well for me.

An excellent final! Congrats to Novak for perservering. It can be difficult when you feel the whole stadium is against you. So, even more sweet when he won :)

Most of the great tennis players have been through those kind of situations in the past. They seem to become the "bad guys" after they beat a fan favourite like Federer.

Actually, I bet most of them would rather have the fans against them because it makes them dig in even harder to prove them all wrong. That's when you find out who the real fighters are. :)
Novak has what it takes!


Andre Denis Andre Denis   {K:66407} 1/27/2008
Thanks Andrzej,
I like the way the fog came out in this one too. It's almost like two atmospheres in one image.


Andre Denis Andre Denis   {K:66407} 1/27/2008
Thanks Nick,
Yes, I suppose that dark trunk is a bit bothersome. I wasn't really too worried about it.

I think this kind of tree keeps it's leaves all year even in extreme cold. I don't know why. We still have plenty of winter ahead of us here in Toronto. It hasn't been as mild as last year, but not too extreme. If we travel about 150k from Toronto to the north, the temperatures go down quite a bit. Apparently being close to a large lake keeps our temperature a bit higher than most areas in Canada.


Andre Denis Andre Denis   {K:66407} 1/27/2008
Thanks you Stan.
I'm glad you like it.


biljana mitrovic biljana mitrovic   {K:48110} 1/27/2008
wonderful combination - Autumn and winter together in one picture :))
I like it my dear Andre:))
big hug

ps What you say about Novak:)????and Nenad Zimonjic in mixed double:)


Andrzej Pradzynski Andrzej Pradzynski   {K:22541} 1/27/2008
Andre, you are right but I never had a thought like that, I just shoot it because it looked nice to me. The part of my attraction was always the color play against bluish snow. You got nice fog in your bg here and it adds much more to the appeal. Cheers, NJ


Nick Karagiaouroglou Nick Karagiaouroglou   {K:127263} 1/24/2008
Judging from the very first look I was about to say that the image is quite well done because of the many details on that great color of the leaves, Andre! But then, when I took some more looks, I think that the most exxpressive thing here is that kind of white haze that matches the snow and conveys winter so strongly. I find the part of the tree trunk at the bottom left a bit too much, but still the image is quite silent but also expressive.

I also notice that more and more trees and plants keep some leaves even in deepest winter. My roses did that this winter, my other plants too. Perhaps a result of warming up the atmosphere? We had absolutely no winter here - only some days a bit of cold and then again only fresh, but no real winter.

All the best,



Stan Ciszek Stan Ciszek   {K:56854} 1/24/2008
Yes...they look great, nice capture Andre.


Andre Denis Andre Denis   {K:66407} 1/23/2008
Thanks for commenting Pablo,
I like the way this one turned out because of the peaceful, quiet look to the image. I think maybe the out of focus background contributs to the "sleepy" look.


Andre Denis Andre Denis   {K:66407} 1/23/2008
Thanks Dave,
Just lately, I seem to be favouring images that have a limited amount of colours. Less distracting, and more peaceful looking, I suppose.


Pablo Dylan Pablo Dylan   {K:63918} 1/23/2008
Nice shot Andrè,excellent progressive outfocus.



Dave Stacey Dave Stacey   {K:150877} 1/23/2008
Very nice contrast with the background greys, Andre!


Andre Denis Andre Denis   {K:66407} 1/23/2008
Thanks so much Alicia,
I'm glad you like it!


Alicia Popp   {K:87532} 1/23/2008
Qué buena composición, una selección muy acertada!




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