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Day 7 - Hahei and Farewell
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Image Title:  Day 7 - Hahei and Farewell
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 By: Caterina  Berimballi  
  Copyright ©2007

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Photographer Caterina  Berimballi  Caterina  Berimballi {Karma:27299}
Project N/A Camera Model Pentax *ist-D
Categories Humor
Film Format Digital RAW
Portfolio Gene Yuss Chassie
Lens 18-55mm
Uploaded 10/4/2007 Film / Memory Type Digital RAW
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 1059 Shutter
Favorites Aperture f/
Critiques 32 Rating Critique Only Image
Location City - 
State -  WAIKATO
Country - New Zealand   New Zealand
About So here I am on the last day in New Zealand. Still on the Coromandel Peninsula, we walked up the Hahei Pa Site (a Maori fortress) to view the spectacular Mercury Bay. That's Te Karaka and Mahurangi Islands you see behind me. Was a beautiful day and Rina took loads of photos. There's a great beach at Hahei where the sand is mostly made up of crushed seashells, which is really cool coz of the colour. I think Rina really really really likes beaches too.

When we got down from there, Rina, Laurie, Max, Alyssa and her friend Holly, and I went to lunch (food is a big thing in this family!) and took some happy snaps. Then it was time for the long drive back to Auckland, where I said my final goodbye to Spidey and he helped me back into my case.

I had a great time. Thank you Rina and family. I learned a lot and went to the most wonderful places. Hope to see you guys again some day.

Shirley, here I come! (after I get back to my Doyle, of course. I have some cool goodies for him. I wonder how my new ensuite that he's building right now is coming along...)

So long - goodbye and thanks for all the fish ;)

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There are 32 Comments in 1 Pages
Mark Sherman   {K:15669} 10/19/2008
Your sense of humor is too cool. Took a beautiful moment and gave it a spark of you.


stingRay pt.4 . stingRay pt.4 .   {K:250401} 10/3/2008
I'm back and you've gone......bugger! Missed you loads; hope you are keeping well. Great big hugs and my very best wishes to you as always.....Ray


Stan Ciszek Stan Ciszek   {K:56854} 8/15/2008

Hello Gene,my friend.
How you doing up there...
Big and warm hugs,


Devon Chastain   {K:319} 1/21/2008
Ahhh! I know who that little bear is!!! I was staring at him in person not even a week ago. Lol! Great photo Rina! Love it!


Gayle's Eclectic Photos Gayle's Eclectic Photos   {K:91109} 1/14/2008
Yo,Cookie!...back again to ask where the heck you be???...i don't mean in regards to UF,just in general as haven't heard back from you in quite some time....assume you are on holiday since Summer in kiwiland...

*Happy New Year,babe!



Roberto Arcari Farinetti Roberto Arcari Farinetti   {K:209486} 12/31/2007
bacio e abbraccio


biljana mitrovic biljana mitrovic   {K:48110} 11/1/2007
So,Rina ...I must ask Doyle about Gene's trip???I'm curious about his trip in Europe...specially in Serbia:))

Graet picture with wonderful story.I really enjoyed :))))
big hug


Ace Star Ace Star   {K:21040} 10/31/2007
hi Rina! beautiful shot .... lovely landscape, good colours and grt clarity :)

good luck


Shirley D. Cross-Taylor Shirley D. Cross-Taylor   {K:174151} 10/20/2007
You're welcome, Rina! I had a friend in Argentina send me a print, twice, and neither ever arrived! Very frustrating for both of us! So, I do hope that Gene gets home safely.:)


Jan Hoffman Jan Hoffman   {K:39467} 10/20/2007
Rina -- The last known photo of our missing bear! OY! OY!
I will light honey-scented candles for his safe return.
(Love the photo!)
--Best to you, Jan


Caterina  Berimballi Caterina  Berimballi   {K:27299} 10/20/2007
Shirley, thanks so much for swinging by! Lovely to hear from you and I'm delighted you enjoyed Gene's travels in NZ. Certainly he's safe and it won't be long before Doyle ships him off to you I'm sure. Just so incredibly frustrating to think the postal service has been milling around like lost fools all this time without a word about the confusion until now :/

Take care. Looking forward to Gene's adventures with you :)



Shirley D. Cross-Taylor Shirley D. Cross-Taylor   {K:174151} 10/20/2007
Well, I hear Gene got lost somewhere between NZ and California. I do hope he turns up safe and sound,...I really want to meet him.

Thanks for sharing his fun adventures with you and Spidey, Rina!


Avi  Avi     {K:70138} 10/8/2007
Wooooo, THAT's a cool idea.. lemme catch Doyle..

c'ya pal !!

(AND A BIG HUG TO Rina !!)
Cheers !


Caterina  Berimballi Caterina  Berimballi   {K:27299} 10/7/2007
Thanks so much for following my journey Avi! I had a wonderful time with Rina. Will I be coming to visit with you anytime soon? Just ask Doyle to put you on my itinerary, I'd love to go to New York!


Caterina  Berimballi Caterina  Berimballi   {K:27299} 10/7/2007
Cheers Aly!


Caterina  Berimballi Caterina  Berimballi   {K:27299} 10/7/2007
Thank you very much Jose!


Caterina  Berimballi Caterina  Berimballi   {K:27299} 10/7/2007
Gracias Gustavo!


Avi  Avi     {K:70138} 10/5/2007
Whoooo Gene... what a trip you had !!!.. (What are you gettig me from NZ, pal ??)

Give a hug to Rina !!
Cheers !


aly nelson aly nelson   {K:704} 10/4/2007
:) WHat an adventurous photo! The green grass is so vibrant and wild! Such a contrast from the calm ocean in the background.


Simone Tagliaferri Simone Tagliaferri   {K:28180} 10/4/2007
Saluti a doyle :)


Caterina  Berimballi Caterina  Berimballi   {K:27299} 10/4/2007
Ciao Simone! Questa pupazzetto è un viaggiatore del mondo. Già è stato in Australia due volte! Se voleste vedere più delle avventure, Doyle ha una lista dei giri, qui:

Forse Doyle permetterà che lui faccia un giro dell'Italia pure? Sarebbe fantastico!

Grazie per il commenti! Stai bene e mando tanti abbracci :)


Caterina  Berimballi Caterina  Berimballi   {K:27299} 10/4/2007
It's not too late to add Dunners to the itinerary. Gene goes back to Doyle in California after every excursion for a freshen up and new instructions for the host. Shirley D. Cross is next on the list and after that, Robin Wickenkamp. For where he's been so far, Doyle has a list here:

20c.... hehehehehe


Caterina  Berimballi Caterina  Berimballi   {K:27299} 10/4/2007
I had an excellent time with Cookie! We trekked over to a hidden waterfall nearby, but it was too dangerous to put me down anywhere for a photo. You would have loved it! Hugs straight back to you and rivvie pup. Gene.

*Hehehe, I wondered about the morbid overtones of the goodbye pic myself... ;P


Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia Jose Ignacio (Nacho) Garcia Barcia   {K:96391} 10/4/2007
simply gotgeous. 7+++++++++++++++


Hussam AL_ Khoder   {K:79545} 10/4/2007
Well seen and captured!


Simone Tagliaferri Simone Tagliaferri   {K:28180} 10/4/2007
Bella questa serie con i pupazzetti... ormai sono la tua firma.


Ian McIntosh Ian McIntosh   {K:42997} 10/4/2007
Dunedin is off the map for 20c teddy bears even, I see.
So long from spidey is a real buddy movie tearjerker Rina. Fabulous project, I think I'm just catching on, so where, and whose house next?


Gayle's Eclectic Photos Gayle's Eclectic Photos   {K:91109} 10/4/2007
umm...the goodbye from spidey pic looks too much like a coffin!...LOL...cute idea,tho'

Love the kids clowning around pics and the main one posted here is just breathtaking, live near some amazing natural beauty!

Gene, guess you are enroute to Cali before visiting Shirley,so get some rest and enjoy your new digs that Doylester has ready for you already miss Cookie,family n' Spidey,but glad you had the time of your life....hugs,gayle n' rivvie pup


Gustavo Scheverin Gustavo Scheverin   {K:164501} 10/4/2007
Bonito paisaje.


Caterina  Berimballi Caterina  Berimballi   {K:27299} 10/4/2007
Spidey and me say goodbye...



Caterina  Berimballi Caterina  Berimballi   {K:27299} 10/4/2007
Fun at lunch



Caterina  Berimballi Caterina  Berimballi   {K:27299} 10/4/2007
Hahei Beach





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