Sheryl Phillips
{K:2728} 9/24/2007
This is fantastic Phil! I wish these were my shoes...looks like a pin-up picture, but just of the details. Great idea! You may think about cropping the top left corner though, as it's a bit darker...but not anything big. Great shot! ~Sheryl
Armen Haroutunyan
{K:4787} 9/22/2007
excelent shot
Merwyn Kanjes
{K:4227} 9/22/2007
Interesting and sharp detail. Very nice composition. Well done. Regards, merwyn
Marcelo Berraz
{K:12906} 9/22/2007
Buena composición; very cool!M.
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 9/22/2007
Yes, this IS a hot photo, Phil! Technically perfect and aesthetically WONDERFUL. 7+
Phil Cassell
{K:1054} 9/22/2007
Good eye, I missed it. Thanks for pointing that out!
Noemi Jurado
{K:8849} 9/22/2007
Lovely shot! Fantastic colors, although there is a smudge on the top left that doesn't look quite right...
Phil Cassell
{K:1054} 9/22/2007
I tried to shoot it that way. To catch the eye and get the view interested in who is attached to those legs.
{K:1372} 9/22/2007
funny. is this a glamour picture ?
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{K:-2131} 9/22/2007
You welcome.
Phil Cassell
{K:1054} 9/22/2007
Thank you Hassan
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{K:-2131} 9/22/2007
Nicely done.