Ali Naghizadeh
{K:19600} 2/4/2008
WOW !!! What a beautiful shot dear marta .. I just love everything about this shot .. The composition, the DOF, everything ... into my favs .. 7++ Cheers .. aLi
Stan Ciszek
{K:56854} 10/15/2007
Alisci...fajna zakopianka, jak i pozostale tez. Pozdrowienia, Stanislaw
Tomasz Szymczak
{K:7875} 9/18/2007
I znowu ta sceneria. Az miło mi sie zagłebia w Twoje prace. Dobra robota. Uśmiech dla Ciebie Tomasz.
Tim Schumm
{K:29196} 9/6/2007
My pleasure...all the best in your pursuits. You have a good eye and that is the main thing. You will achieve your goals if you maintain your focus and shoot as much as you have time for.
Cheers, Tim
P.S. i really love the mood of this one as well as the DOF ( depth Of Field) focusing on the fore ground over the house in the rear
Marta .
{K:2053} 9/6/2007
Thanks Tim for your valuable hints :) I have learnt so much from your words :) I know that 300D is only a bit worse than the newest versions, but I thought the problem is in the lens... I will try Picasa... Once again thank you for your time and interest...:))) You really helped me a lot :)
Warm hug M.
Tim Schumm
{K:29196} 9/6/2007
Hi Marta,
You have a excellent collection of image posted to date. And your camera is a good one. Although it seems that every six months there is yet another newer and better camera on the market. I have to say that the newer ones do bring out the colors just a bit more for that boost in saturation that you are looking for. But these can easily be adjusted to have that with just a small push in photoshop using the saturation application. Or if you do not have Photoshop you can use a free image enhancer by downloading "Picasa" software created by Google...yes it is FREE. this is the link: http://picasa.google.com/ Cheers Tim
Marta .
{K:2053} 8/27/2007
Thanks Nick for your lovely comment :)))
Best wishes M.
Nick Karagiaouroglou
{K:127263} 8/27/2007
Very nice coloring, extremely well done focusing, and lighting on this image that separates the foreground protagonist in such a nice way from the background though selective focus. The background remains less important but still it is there, which enhances the depth of real world!
I am very happy to see some flowers that do not tell me only about the usual "beauty in nature" and the like boring things! This is much more!