Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174169} 6/26/2007
Very lovely, Rob!:)
Rob Burgoyne
{K:-1207} 6/25/2007
Thanks Mehul .
Mehul Chimthankar
{K:18655} 6/25/2007
Hi Rob,
Great composition and title 7+++++++++++++++
Rob Burgoyne
{K:-1207} 6/25/2007
Thank you Bill .
Bill Telzerow
{K:4993} 6/25/2007
Interesting shot Rob... The thumbnail does not do it justice. I like the POF, and the clarity of the water droplets... Great imagination in the work!
Rob Burgoyne
{K:-1207} 6/24/2007
Thanks Gennaro .
Gennaro Manna
{K:21301} 6/24/2007
great colors and detail...congrats
Rob Burgoyne
{K:-1207} 6/24/2007
Thank you Laura . I appreciate it :)
Laura E.
{K:5598} 6/24/2007
Hi Rob,
I love bleeding hearts - I have a smiliar photo in my portfolio as well. Very nice use of selective focus, and great color. I love the tiny droplets of water, they add that little extra something that makes this photo special.