* James *
{K:20200} 2/16/2008
Interesting work here Mike. This is an aspect of life that few people ever get to see, but one that is infinitely interesting in my opinion. The cell is quite small, no creature comforts. A reality that can be quite harsh.
Warmest regards ~ James
Mike Adams
{K:7180} 7/31/2007
Thanks for the comment. Yes, this was a bunk bed. Some of the cells had covers on the toilets some did not. The blankets/quilts were different for every cell.There is also a small window 2'x4' above the bed with bars over it. This cell had the best lighting although it lacked some of the attention getters!
rebecca claassen
{K:12904} 7/30/2007
Lack of interesting elements? Yeah, maybe, but the tones you have used and the various textures give this life (bad pun!). The rough walls, too small pillow and quite nice looking quilt, along with the hard poles of the bed frame and of course the loo give me a small look into the starkness of reality. There were few comforts to be had. Was this a bunk bed? I can't quite tell, but because of that, it seems an odd perspective, which tricks my eye. Great light too Mike, I really like this image. cheers, Beks
Mike Adams
{K:7180} 6/20/2007
Thanks for the comment Paul. Glad that you are enjoying the series!
Paul Harris
{K:3208} 6/20/2007
It looks depressing enough to me Mike