laphael wang
{K:2318} 2/7/2010
You're a master
RC. Dany
{K:64104} 8/4/2008
Excellent .
Fadel J
{K:13974} 7/4/2007
Hey Christine, long time! Thanks for the nice comment and hope everything is well with you. I'll write an email to you soon.
Peggy Christine Skinner
{K:26936} 7/1/2007
Amazing work and vision. How do you do this? What treatments have you applied?
Dave Arnold
{K:55680} 6/18/2007
I am always astounded by your post-processing work. Not to mention your photography in the first place. Most excellent work, Fadel. Just pure excellence..... Wish I could do this well.
Best wishes to you,
Dave Arnold
andree lerat
{K:17476} 6/15/2007
Wow... Creative work. Thanks for bringing me to your portfolio. Fantastic... :) Andree
Francisco N-G
{K:28728} 6/14/2007
The best view of the G&M (?)
Wonderful picture; your portfolio is an impressive collection of fine art. Love the careful treatment and great skills you possess.
Great idea and effect with light and colours.
Best regards.
Dirk Noort
{K:9683} 6/14/2007
Fadel, your portfolio images are works of art!! I have no idea how you took this picture, but it is outstanding! Dirk.
Andre Denis
{K:66327} 6/13/2007
Beautiful job on this one Fadel! I like the way you arranged some lighting behind the paper to give some glow around the paper's edges. It looks like you have also included some of your images (above the paper) in the composition as well. Very well done! Andre
Robert Höhne
{K:4290} 6/11/2007
I am glad you commented on one of my pictures Fadel as it has pointed me to your amazing portfolio. Your work is fantastic, your treatment of these photos, your ideas and execution in inspiring.
Ian McIntosh
{K:42997} 6/11/2007
ho! is that light fom a television screen there?
Alicia Popp
{K:87532} 6/11/2007
Qué expresiva imagen... felicitaciones!
Paul Lara
{K:88111} 6/11/2007
This is such FANTASTIC lighting, Fadel. Outstanding.
Kiarang Alaei
{K:49415} 6/10/2007
A masterpice in your Style Fadel.J
Mahmoud Baha Sadri
{K:19634} 6/10/2007
This is just great..and I'm not surprised..it is usual about you,Fadel...baha
Dave Stacey
{K:150877} 6/10/2007
Well done Fadel! I like the crutch leaning there, it really adds to the shot, in a questioning way. Dave.
arwa abdullah
{K:34415} 6/10/2007
WOW! Fadel this is perfect! I love the colors the details are eye catching yet u kept them with in the same family of color and it works! I just cant see it getting any better than this! It should get an award! Into my favorites
Wayne Harridge
{K:18292} 6/10/2007
I like that "Holga" effect !
Vesna Radakovic
{K:1572} 6/10/2007
lovely colours and scene!!! Vesna
Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174169} 6/10/2007
Marvelous shot, Fadel!:)