Alius Vetus
{K:1795} 5/8/2003
Today, just like the first time I saw it in another Site, I keep finding this photo an excellent work. The human ellements sure add drama to the scenery, wich has a very nice light capture. Best regards.
David Lewaherilla
{K:146} 5/8/2003
Nice capture.......regards David
Yiannis Gabrilis
{K:2548} 5/8/2003
Excelent composition beautiful capture good lighting. Regards
Kaj Nielsen
{K:15279} 5/8/2003
Excellent compoced, Great silhouettes, and light. Regards Kaj Nielsen
Gatis Ozolins
{K:1502} 5/8/2003
interesting work! Very original
Jacek M.
{K:2999} 5/8/2003
?wietny pomys? i kompozycja..Bravo!
Marcin Gorski
{K:12388} 5/8/2003
beautiful, soaked with poetry image. Najlepsze Adamie, z Gliwic, M
Barbara Hawkins
{K:1605} 5/8/2003
very nice work good perspective of size and good silhouettes..