City - El Chalten State - SANTA CRUZ Country - Argentina
One morning we woke up red eyed before the sunrise and bombed down the potholed road out of town, (El Chalten) situated in Southern Patagonia, to catch the semi cloudless morning. Hoping we didn't hit one of the giant rabbits that seem to live on the road, looking death in the face as cars whiz by at 140km/hr plus. In fact the rabbits seem to have a similar attitude as the local drivers and seem impervious to the very thought of death by other drivers, hazarding the very same road also at unheard of speeds for such poor roads. Driving anywhere in Argentina is a bit crazy.....well to me anyway. Although i have to say i didn't see many accidents at all during my stay there. So despite my perceptions, this wild system of driving seems to work somehow. It seems the main rule is not to hit anything but get as close to hitting if you can. Side view mirrors are used as guides to measure if you were close enough. The other rule is there are no rules and to honk a lot! hahaha
Very fascinating capture,Tim, I love the shapes of the clouds and the continues tonalities, part reminds me a surreal of Marsian view :) Excellent work myfrend!!! Harry