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Peeps in Rehab
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Image Title:  Peeps in Rehab
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 By: Jan Hoffman  
  Copyright ©2007

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Photographer Jan Hoffman  Jan Hoffman {Karma:39467}
Project #49 Dramatic Portrait Camera Model Canon Digital Rebel
Categories Humor
Still Life
Film Format Digital RAW
Portfolio Macro
Weird or funny or both
Still Life
Lens Canon  50 mm f/1.8 II
Uploaded 4/14/2007 Film / Memory Type ISO 100 - Sandisk 2 gig
    ISO / Film Speed
Views 520 Shutter 1s
Favorites Aperture f/22
Critiques 21 Rating
/ 7 Ratings
Location City -  Catonsville
State -  MD
Country - United States   United States
About My wife belongs to that school of Peeps eaters that must have them stale. So for weeks after Easter I find open Peeps packages in unobtrusive places while the little creatures are being dried out and made to a stale and dry consistency. There are two and definitely opposed schools of thought on this subject: very fresh versus very stale and really no middle ground to speak of. I obtained permission from the Peeps to capture them while they are drying out (I even have a signed release form).
I never eat them either way.
Kenko 12mm extension tube; tripod.
RAW format.
No cropping or post processing other than conversion to .JPG
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There are 21 Comments in 1 Pages
Jan Hoffman Jan Hoffman   {K:39467} 4/16/2007
Thanks for commenting, Liz. Not being a licorice fan, I would not eat it stale or fresh. My suspicion is that there are a lot of different types of food and snacks that people prefer stale but will not admit.
I like corn curls and often open the bag a day or two before I eat them because I think exposing them to air improves the flavor and consistency.
--Best to you, Jan


Liz Wallis Liz Wallis   {K:26133} 4/16/2007
:) you know, i learn new stuff here all the time....sometimes not photographic either, LoL...peeps, well there you go, have never heard of them until today...strictly a red licorice person myself...(the thing is, when you get it it is all soft, and it tastes much better when it is hard, so you have to wait a bit for it to get that way, so i can kinda get a hold on the stale sweet thing.)
Nice work Jan


Robin W Robin W   {K:16308} 4/15/2007
kekeke...just surprised I was the first to say it!


Jan Hoffman Jan Hoffman   {K:39467} 4/15/2007
Robin: GROAN!!!!!!!!!!!


Robin W Robin W   {K:16308} 4/15/2007's a peep(s) show! ;)

Take care...Robin


Jan Hoffman Jan Hoffman   {K:39467} 4/15/2007
Onie -- The Peeps website from the candy maker is:
This is an all sugar and marshmallow confection that is so sweet that it makes your eyes water. The candy comes in a variety of colors and shapes, like bunnies, chicks, and other "cute" stuff. Ester time is when the Peeps come out in full force. (Think: INVASION)

If we are missing for a weekend (or more) check with Marlyce & Nancy because we may disappear because we made too much fun of their stale candy and they finally would have no more of it!
I personally am having one of those GPS Tracker chips embedded in my arm in case the constables need to find me.

As for those JuJubes: DON'T -- this could either wind up costing you a trip to the dentist or finding yourself hooked on a stale candy addiction. Just say NO to stale candy!
--Best to you, Jan


Leonie Fitzpatrick Leonie Fitzpatrick   {K:40551} 4/15/2007
LOL... Jan, after reading all the comments and replies, I think I have an idea on just WHAT Peeps are...:))) EASTER RABBITS... Some sort of sugary confectionry...

BUT, now I am worried... What with Doyle and the Pheremones, might explain the *breed like rabbits* style of thinking ~~GRIN~~ and all because of *stale* sweets...

So, I gather that if yourself or Doyle go missing for a while, it just may be because you are both too weakened by pheremone induced spouses ;)))

Good fun again Jan...:)))

Onie... (thinking may just get the Ju-Jubes outta' the jar... just to dry for a week or three ~~GRIN~~)


Jan Hoffman Jan Hoffman   {K:39467} 4/15/2007
Yes... now that you mention it, I believe I read that article in the NEJM by the renowned Doctor Gustav Crackenheimer. I recall that his speciality was nuclear proctology. Thanks for calling that to my attention.
--Regards, Jan


Doyle D. Chastain Doyle D. Chastain   {K:101119} 4/15/2007
According to the New England Journal of Medicine (I don't recall the date) . . . stale sweets affect the bodies pheremones. You need not know it to know it . . . if you get my drift? LoL!

Doyle I <~~~~~


Jan Hoffman Jan Hoffman   {K:39467} 4/14/2007
Srna -- :) :) :)


Srna Stankovic Srna Stankovic   {K:172232} 4/14/2007
You are wonderful Jan, I do adore You !!!! :)
Big hug for both of you :) !!!!!


Jan Hoffman Jan Hoffman   {K:39467} 4/14/2007
Holy Smoke, Doyle. Sometimes you amaze me with your insight, perscipacity and revealing commentary.
This of course is .....{pause}.....
one of those times.
The poem does some justice to this previously (but now outed) secret society of women (no man would eat this cr*p - we eat different cr*p).
However, your theory of stale vs. other spousal attraction frightens me a bit. I am not sure it is valid and I ask: did you know about this stale Whopper addiction prior to taking the vows with Marlyce? I doubt it!
Well... I sure did not know about Nancy's penchant for dried out sugar lumps, AKA PEEPS!

How much can a man know about a woman before taking the plunge? Or is this a deeper sub-sugar attraction; it is there but operating at some primeval level?
(Note to self: call my therapist to discuss this).
Thanks for the poem and the commentary.

And back to you with:
Roses are red,
and yellow is Peeps.
Stale sugar candy,
gives me the creeps.




Doyle D. Chastain Doyle D. Chastain   {K:101119} 4/14/2007
Welcome to the kenko world Jan . . . it sure made for some sparkling detail - :)

Oh man . . . I just can't eat the peeps. Well . . . I have before . . . but . . . seems like such a waste when there's anything else around to eat.

Now to the serious issue . . . stale. Uhhhhh . . . I have to tell you the wife is a member of the stale food eating club . . . but not for peeps . . . for Whoppers! Stale = good. So apparently these people who enjoy stale food seem to be attracted to fresh and vigorous men and need the stale food to balance their lives?? (Psssst . . . work with me here, I'm trying to prevent people from mentioning only certifiable people would live with our types)! Oooooh. . . . do you suppose we're the ones attracted to the stale eaters?

FREEDOM!!! The Stale eaters dark hidden secret need no longer imprison us . . . Stale eaters everywhere can leave the closets and basements (with their stale food) and hold their heads high!

Spring has Sprung,
Fall has Fell,
It's the Middle of April,
Our Wives' food is Stale!

(Original Poetry by Doyle I - Surprised?)


Doyle I <~~~~~


Jan Hoffman Jan Hoffman   {K:39467} 4/14/2007
Srna -- Thanks so much for commenting on my Peeps, or should I say my wife's Peeps, as I do not eat them. They sure are cute; it seems a shame to eat the little creatures.
--Best to you, Jan


Srna Stankovic Srna Stankovic   {K:172232} 4/14/2007
So very tastful daear Jan :) with great about :) !!!
So very good light, colour is beautiful with its sparkling and so sharp shot, excellent done my friend.
HUGS !!!!


Jan Hoffman Jan Hoffman   {K:39467} 4/14/2007
Phil -- Card-carrying Peeps freaks keep their addiction a secret. However, there are over two hundred web sites devoted to Peeps: science, ways to eat, different things you can do with a Peep, blogs, sightings, etc. I, fortunately, was never taken by the Peeps craze. Others I know are not so lucky.
--Best to you, Jan


Phil Waldon Phil Waldon   {K:1786} 4/14/2007
Jan, I have never met a "card-carrying" Peep Eater. Sounds like serious stuff, and I advise you to have all of your paper-work in order!!
Fun shot and quite the story!


Jan Hoffman Jan Hoffman   {K:39467} 4/14/2007
Thanks, Michele. I am not kidding about this stale versus fresh thing. Serious Peeps eaters all have an opinion on this topic. No kidding.
--Best to you, Jan


Jan Hoffman Jan Hoffman   {K:39467} 4/14/2007
Bhabesh -- Thanks so much for your comment!
--Best to you, Jan


Michele Carlsen Michele Carlsen   {K:146013} 4/14/2007
I never heard of this stale eating of easter candy Jan ... Well maybe they don't eat them but what do they do with them ?

WoWee!! You have a signed release for permission to capture them-- I would think that would be an impressive image :))

Very interesting image and about !! I do think you are getting good practice with your extension tubes- image looks very good, great lighting, clarity , and sparkels !!

Best wishes,


Bhabesh Chakrabarti Bhabesh Chakrabarti   {K:11394} 4/14/2007
Wonderful colors, and very nice section about the composition. Very funny.
Best regards,




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