Shirley D. Cross-Taylor
{K:174169} 3/6/2007
Very beautiful, Andrzej!:)
Andre Denis
{K:66327} 3/6/2007
Andrzej, I forgot to tell you, I used to do some mountain biking in the Halton Hills / Kelso area. Very nice trails, just like in this image. Andre
Andre Denis
{K:66327} 3/6/2007
Hi Andrzej, The moss and the leaves are looking very nice in this one! I think the proportions of the composition are also very pleasing. I have to apologize for not spending much time here the last few days. I have just purchased a new pc which is nice :) But it is consuming a lot of time with set-ups and a bit of a learning curve. I must say that I now have a whole new dimension in the way I see all these great images now. A nice graphics card and a much higher resolution lcd screen. :) :) I will be back to comment some more soon. Andre
Violetta Tarnowska
{K:24497} 3/5/2007
Andrzej:) Ładnie to zauważyłeś i ująłeś w miły kadr. Lubię tę leśną ciszę i piękne, kojące kolory. Pozdrawiam serdecznie:) Viola
vanessa shakesheff
{K:68840} 3/5/2007
like the contrast between the rich green moss covered stones to the dried atumn colours ..lovely woodland capture..nessa
Frank Mercer
{K:1925} 3/5/2007
Nice shot...I like the color and perspective